World Bridge Series - Rosenblum Cup |
World Bridge Series si svolgono negli anni pari, non olimpici
(cioè non bisestili), cioè 1990, 1994 e così via Infobridge unisce anche alcuni Campionati precedenti che possono essere assimilati ai WBS |
The World Bridge Series takes place in the even-numbered, non-Olympic years (i.e. not leap years), that is, 1990, 1994 and so on It consist of a series of championship and subsidiary events which include the World Open, Women’s and Senior Pairs, and the World Open, Women’s and Senior Teams Championships and, more recently the World Mixed Pairs and Teams Championships The World Senior Pairs was introduced in 1990, while, in 1994, the first World Women Knockout Teams (for the McConnell Cup) and the first World Senior Knockout Teams were played, run on similar lines to the Rosenblum Cup These Championships are now the biggest of all WBF Championships in terms of entries. They began, however, on a modest scale, simply as World Open Pairs and a corresponding Women’s event with, in the early years, a Mixed event of one kind or another to round out the program. Today, the program includes team and pairs competitions in all categories (open, women, seniors, mixed) It should be noted that the World Mixed Teams Championship, contested at the same time as the World Pairs Olympiad in 1962 and 1974, was moved, as from 1996, to the site of the World Team Olympiad but has now returned to the World Bridge Series Infobridge also combines some previous Championships that can be assimilated to the WBS |
1978 (17 - 30 giugno) - New Orleans (Louisiana - USA) - 64 squadre | ||
1 - POLONIA | Marian Frenkiel, Andrzej Macieszszak - Andrzej Wolkosz, Janusz Polec | |
2 - BRASILE | Gabriel Chagas, Pedro Paolo Assumpçao, Gabino Cintra, Marcelo Branco, Roberto Taunay, Sergio Barbosa | |
3 - FRANCIA | Paul Chemla, Michel Lebel, Christian Mari, Michel Perron | |
3 - USA | Ira Corn (cng), Bob Hamman, Dan Morse, Cliff Russell, Curtis Smith, Eddie Wold, Bobby Wolff | |
L'Italia non partecipa |
1982 (2 - 16 ottobre) - Biarritz (Francia) - 129 squadre | ||
1 - FRANCIA | Pierre Schemeil (cng), Albert Faigenbaum, Michel Lebel, Dominique Pilon, Philippe Soulet | |
2 - USA | Chip Martel, Lew Stansby, Peter Pender, Hugh Ross, Ed Manfield, Kit Woolsey | |
3 CANADA | Doug Andrews (cng), Allan Graves, Sammy Kehela, Eric Kokish, George Mittelman, Eric Murray, Peter Nagy | |
L'Italia giunge 6ª |
1986 (13 - 27 settembre) - Bal Harbour - Miami Beach (Florida - USA) | ||
1 - USA | Kit Woolsey, Bob Lipsitz, Ed Manfield, Peter Boyd, Steve Robinson, Neil Silverman | |
2 - PAKISTAN | Nishat Abedi, Nishar Ahmed, Zia Mahmood, Jan-e-Alam Fazli | |
3 - SVEZIA | Bjorn Fallenius, Magnus Lindqvist, Mats Nilsland, Anders Wirgren | |
L'Italia non partecipa |
1990 (31 agosto - 16 settembre) - Ginevra (Svizzera) - 195 squadre | ||
1 - GERMANIA | Bernhard Ludewig, Jochen Bitschené, George Nippgen, Poland Rohowsky | |
2 - USA | Mike Moss, Drew Casen, Charles Coon, Michael Seamon | |
3 - CANADA | Mark Stein (cng), Boris Baran, Arno Hobart, Martin Kirr, Eric Kokish, George Mittelman, Mark Molson | |
3 - USA | Russ Ekeblad, Dan Morse, George Rapee, John Solodar, Ron Sukoneck, John Sutherlin |
1994 (17 settembre - 1 ottobre) - Albuquerque (New Mexico - USA) - 158 squadre | ||
1 - USA | Seymon Deutsch, Michael Rosenberg, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby, Gaylor Kasle, Roger Bates | |
2 - POLONIA | Cezary Balicki, Marek Borewicz, Piotr Gawris, Krzysztof Lasocki, Erwin Otvosi, Adam Zmudzinski | |
3 - ISRAELE | Dani Cohen, Avi Kalish, Yeshayahu Levit, Leonid Podgur | |
3 - SVEZIA | Daniel Auby, Tomas Brenning, Tommy Gullberg, Marten Gustawsson | |
L'Italia giunge 5ª |
1998 (21 agosto - 4 settembre) - Lille (Francia) - 233 squadre | ||
1 - ITALIA | Francesco Angelini, Antonio Sementa, Andrea Buratti, Massimo Lanzarotti, Alfredo Versace, Lorenzo Lauria | |
2 - BRASILE | Gabriel Chagas, Marcelo Branco, Miguel Villas Boas, Joao Paulo Campos | |
3 - SVEZIA | Bjorn Fallenius, Peter Fredin, Magnus Lindkvist, Mats Nisland | |
3 - USA | Bart Bramley, Drew Casen, Steve Garner, Sydney Lazard, Bill Pollack, Sue Weinstein |
2002 (16 - 31 agosto) - Montreal (Canada) - 160 squadre | |||
Maria Teresa Lavazza (cng), Massimo Ortensi (coach), Giorgio Duboin, Norberto Bocchi, Lorenzo Lauria, Maria Teresa Lavazza, Alfredo Versace, Guido Ferraro | |
Munawar Sawiruddin, Eddy Manoppo, Henky Lasut, Frankie Steven Karwur, Denny Jacob Sacul | |
3. POLONIA | Cezary Balicki, Adam Zmudzinski, Michal Kwiecien, Jacek Pszczola, Leandro Burgay, Carlo Mariani |
2006 (9 - 24 giugno) - Verona (Italia) - 173 squadre | |||
Roger Bates, Geir Helgemo, Tor Helness, Kyle Larsen, Rose Meltzer, Alan Sontag |
2 - USA / SVEZIA |
Peter Bertheau, Peter Fredin, Christal Henner-Welland, Marc Jacobus, Maguns Lindkvist, Fredryk Nystrom |
Edad Ginossar, Avi Kalish, Melih Ozdil, Leonid Podgur, Doron Yadlin, Israel Yadlin |
L'Italia giunge 17ª |
2010 (1 - 16 ottobre) - Philadelphia (USA) - 145 squadre | ||||
1 - USA | John Diamond, Eric Greco, Fred Gitelman, Geoff, Hampson, Brian Platnick, Brad Moss | |||
2 - USA | Donna Compton (npc), Bob Hamman, Rakph Katz, Zia Mahmood, Jeff Meckstrooth, Nick Nickell, Eric Rodwell | |||
3. ITALIA / NORVEGIA / FRANCIA | Fulvio Fantoni, Claudio Nunes, Tor Helness, Geir Helgemo, Pierre Zimmermann, Franck Multon | |||
L'Italia giunge 9ª |
2014 (10 - 25 ottobre) - Sanya (Cina) - 123 Squadre | |||||
1 - POLONIA | Piotr Gawrys, Stanislaw Golebiowski, Krzysztof Jassem, Michal Klukowski, Marcin Mazurkiewicz, Wlodzimierz Starkowski | ||||
2 - MONACO | Pierre Zimmermann, Claudio Nunes, Fulvio Fantoni, Franck Multon, Tor Helness, Geir Helgemo | ||||
3 - SVEZIA / GERMANIA / ARGENTINA | Johan Upmark, Frederik Wrang, Sabine Auken, Roy Welland, Juan Carlos Ventin | ||||
3 - OLANDA / USA | Sjoert Brink, Bas Drijver, Geoff Hampson, Eric Greco, John Diamond, Brian Platnick |
2018 (3 - 13 agosto) - Orlando (Florida) - 96 squadre | |||
1. MONACO / POLONIA | Pierre Zimmermann, Franck Multon, Michal Klukowski, Tor Helness, Geir Helgemo, Piotr Gawrys | ||
2. ITALIA / DANIMARCA | Maria Teresa Lavazza (cng), Massimo Ortensi (coach), Alejandro Bianchedi, Norberto Bocchi, Giorgio Duboin, Agustin Madala, Antonio Sementa, Dennis Bilde | ||
3. USA | Warren Spector, Vincent Demuy, John Hurd, John Kraniak, Gavin Wolpert, Joel Wooldridge | ||
3. INGHILTERRA | Alexander Allfrey, Edward Jones, Thoams Paske, Andrew Robson |
2022 (19 agosto - 3 settembre) - Breslavia (Polonia) - 16ª Edizione - 79 squadre | |||||||
1. USA | Jill Levin (cng), Eric Greco, Geoff Hampson, Ralph Katz, Bobby Levin, Nick Nickell, Steve Weinstein | ||||||
2. CILE / OLANDA / PORTOGALLO / SPAGNA / SVEZIA | Joaquin Pacareu, Guy Mendes de Leon, Thibo Sprinkhuizen, Antonio Palma, Juan Carlos Ventin, Frederic Wrang | ||||||
3. INGHILTERRA / SVEZIA | Andrew Black, Gunnar Halberg, Andrew McIntosh, Thomas Paske, Peter Bertheau, Simon Hult | ||||||
3. INGHILTERRA / USA | David Gold, David Berkowitz, Daniel Korbel, Zia Mahmood, Jeff Meckstroth, Eric Robinson | ||||||
Le squadre con giocatori italiani sono uscite agli ottavi di finale |