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 John Ashworth (1933 - 2016) è stato un noto bridgista dell'Ovest australiano, proprietario di club in Swanbourne e fondatore ed editore del "Trumps Plusses" dal 1997 al 2004.

 Inglese di origine ma trasferitosi in Australia fin da bambino, John ha vinto diversi titoli locali e interstatali ed ha fatto parte della nazionale australiana.

 Impiegato pubblico, sposato con Lorraine ha avuto due figli Stephanie e Vernon.


  John Ashworth (1933 - 2016) was a well-known Western Australian bridge player, owner of clubs in Swanbourne and founding editor of the "Trumps plusses" 1997-2004.

 English originally but moved to Australia as a child, John has won several local titles and interstate and was a member of the Australian national team.

 Civil servant, married to Lorraine had two children Stephanie and Vernon.

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