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Matthew  BROWN


 Matt Brown č nato il 30 maggio 1996 nel Distretto di Whangarei, una localitā nel nord dell'isola settentrionale che assieme ad altri centri minori comprende l'omonima cittā, e ha studiato ingegneria chimica presso l'universitā di Auckland.

 Nel 2024 ha vinto il BAM ai Mondiali Giovanili Transnazionali.

 Matthew, che ha vinto alcuni tornei e campionati oceanici, č fidanzato con Andi Boughey, altra nota bridgista di livello internazionale originaria di Auckland.

 World International Master, Matt ha fatto parte delle nazionali giovanili ed open neozelandesi.

  Matt Brown was born on May 30, 1996 in the Whangarei District, a locality in the north of the northern island that, together with other minor centers, includes the city of the same name.

 He studied chemical engineering at the University of Auckland.

In 2024 he won the BAM at the World Transnational Youth.

Matt, who has won some tournaments and championships of south pacific zone, is engaged to Andi Boughey, another internationally renowned bridge player originally from Auckland.

World International Master, Matt has been part of the youth and open nationals of New Zealand.

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