Rock Hudson is the stage name of Roy Harold Scherer
jr who was born in Winnetka in Illinois on November 17, 1925 and had in
his veins a well-assorted mixture being the father of Swiss-German
origins and the mother of Anglo-Irish descent .
After the parents' divorce occurred when she was only 8 years old, she was adopted by her mother's second husband and took the name of Roy Fitzgerald.
Former truck driver, sex symbol of his time, after years of apprenticeship in western film he became a good dramatic actor.
Homosexual, to save appearances in the eyes of the America of the time a little 'bigoted, he married the secretariat of his press agent.
It was not unusual to find him engaged in a friendly bridge game.
AIDS patient, died of cancer of the lymphatic glands on 2 October 1985 in Beverly Hills.