Marshall MILES |
Nato a Loma Linda in California il 16 dicembre del 1926, si è diplomato in economia al Claremont McKenna College e in Legge alla University of California di Los Angeles ed è stato un valente procuratore legale per 37 anni.
Vedovo dal 2000 di Betty Scherer Barnett, è stato anche anche un apprezzato articolista e un ottimo scrittore di bridge oltre che un valido giocatore.
Purtroppo i suoi interessanti libri non sono stati tradotti in italiano ma i bridgisti navigatori lo avranno senz'altro incontrato in quanto regolare articolista del Bridge Bulletin editi dalla ACBL in occasione dei NABC.
Collaboratore abituale di testate famose negli USA quali Bridge World, Bridge Digest e Bridge Today ha anche collaborato alla più recente edizione dell'Enciclopedia del Bridge.
Marshall che è il partner favorito del grande Eddie Kantar, nel corso della sua lunga carriera bridgistica ha vinto 6 titoli nazionali tra i quali ricordiamo 2 Spingold consecutive (61 e 62) e 2 Reisinger (62 e 65), Sul piano internazionale può vantare la medaglia d'oro alle Olimpiadi Senior di Istanbul 2004.
Nel 2005 gli è stato attribuito il premio von Zedwitz ed è stato eletto nella Hall of Fame, inoltre, viene ricordato dal R.J. Miles Trophy che ogni anno premia i vincitori del Non Life Master Pairs ai Fall NABC's.
Ė scomparso il 5 febbraio 2013 a Redlands in California.
Marshall Miles was born in Loma Linda CA in 1926. He received a B.A. in economics from Claremont Men’s College (now Claremont McKenna College) in 1948 and a law degree from UCLA in 1954. He practiced law from 1955 until 1992. He was married to Betty Barnett from 1972 until her death in 2000.
Ever since a friend of his mother’s taught Marshall the game when he was 15, bridge has been Marshall’s major hobby. At first he had no one to play with, so he read newspaper columns and books. Today, his favorite part of the game is bidding, and he thinks the biggest challenge is to visualize everyone’s hands and plan the best way to describe his own.
Marshall has won five North American events, most of them in partnership with Eddie Kantar: the Spingold in 1961 and 1962, the Reisinger in 1962 and 1965 and the Life Master Pairs in 1961. He also won the World Senior Teams in 2004 playing with Leo Bell.
Marshall has been an important, if sometimes idiosyncratic, theorist of the game. He was one of the first experts to espouse overcalls on four-card suits — "Our most likely game is in spades," he often would comment in the Master Solvers’ Club — choosing to bid 2over an opponent’s 2opening on, say, A-Q-10-x. At one time, he was famous for bidding 3NT holding tenuous stoppers in an opponent’s suit.
But Marshall will always be remembered as a bridge writer. One of his earliest books, All Fifty-two Cards, is still required reading to move up from the intermediate level. He is the author of 10 other books, many written while he was still practicing law. The most recent, Modern Constructive Bidding, was published in 2005.
He died February 5, 2013 in Redlands (California).
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