Julian POTTAGE |
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Julian Pottage nacque a Postdown Hill una cittadina poco a nord di Portsmouth nel sud dell'Inghilterra da una famiglia di bridgisti: Michael e Pam.
Ha studiato matematica al Trinity College di Cambridge ed è poi diventato membro del Fondo Pensioni dell'Istituto.
Imparò giovanissimo il bridge dai suoi genitori e all'età di 18 anni aveva già guadagnato il titolo di insegnante.
Dopo essere stato un ragazzo prodigio del Bridge inglese, assieme al fratello John che dopo aver vinto un Campionato del Mondo Juniores a Squadre nel 1989 ed un paio di Campionati del MEC ha abbandonato l'agonismo, Julian ha guadagnato alcuni titoli a livello nazionale tra i quali il Pachabo e il Tollemache.
Più noto come editorialista e scrittore, collabora abitualmente con "Bridge Magazine" e con "Bridge Plus" e a scritto diversi libri, alcuni a quattro mani con i grandi maestri del bridge inglese.
Anche come teorico ha fornito il suo contributo scoprendo un nuovo tipo di compressione "The mole squeeze".
Appassionato genealogista ha risalito le origini della sua famiglia fino al 1600.
Lasciato il fondo pensione del Trinity, oggi lavora come consulente di fondi pensioni e vive con sua moglie Helen ed i suoi tre figli ad Hampshire nel sud dell'Inghilterra.
He learnt bridge at a young age watching his parents, and they remain active players. Julian is a qualified bridge teacher and has been writing for 18 years. Currently he has regular columns in both Bridge Magazine and Bridge Plus. He has contributed to several other periodicals, including the Daily Bridge Calendar.
Achieving a run of success in Junior competitions, Julian has also won several National events, notably the Pachabo and Tollemache double in 1999. His contributions to theory include naming and describing the mole squeeze as well as discovering the compound guard squeeze.
Away from the bridge table, Julian is a dab hand with a camera, having nearly 4,000 slides placed with the Robert Harding picture library. He used to do mainly landscape and travel photographs, but more recently has concentrated on his family.
He is an active member of his local Catholic church, and served as a eucharistic minister for six years. Researching his family tree, Julian has traced his ancestors on his father’s side back to 1600 and established that his known relatives, which number well over a thousand, are related to roughly two thirds of all the Pottages in the world.
After spending many years managing occupational pension plans, he now works as a consultant on pensions and savings products.
He lives with his wife Helen and their three young sons in Hampshire, England.