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 Jerzy Putrament è nato il 14 novembre del 1910 a Minsk in Bielorussia ed è stato un poeta, editore, uomo politico,

 Sposato con Zofia Bystrzycka, anche lei letterata e impegnata in politica, Jerzy si è laureato presso l'università Stefan Batory di Vilnius.

 Simpatizzante comunista fu arrestato mentre la madre che era di origine russa e la sorella furono deportate. Dopo l'invasione sovietica della Polonia, Jerzy rimase nei territori annessi e lavorò come funzionario comunista a Lviv nell'odierna Ucraina, prima di fuggire a Mosca durante l'invasione tedesca del 1941.

 Nella capitale sovietica fondò l'Unione dei Patrioti Polacchi e divenne corrispondente di guerra e commissario politico nell'esercito polacco.

 Stabilitosi in Polonia, divenne redattore di due importanti riviste letterarie, ambasciatore polacco in Svizzera e in Francia e deputato del Parlamento Polacco.

 Appassionato di scacchi, fu a lungo Presidente della Federazione scacchistica polacca e praticò anche il bridge.

Morì a Varsavia il 23 giugno del 1986.

  Jerzy Putrament (November 14, 1910 – June 23, 1986) was a PJerzy Putrament was born in Minsk into a family with patriotic traditions. His mother was Russian and adhered to Eastern Orthodox Church, as did Jerzy.

 In the Second Polish Republic, where he studied at the Stefan Batory University in Wilno, he at first leaned towards the right-wing endecja faction, and became a member of the Camp of Great Poland; later he supported the communists, for which he was arrested and put on trial. After the Soviet invasion of Poland, he remained in the territories annexed by the Soviet Union and worked as a communist functionary, living in Lviv.

At the same time, his mother and sister were deported to Siberia. Having fled to Moscow after the German invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941, he became one of the founders of the Union of Polish Patriots and a war correspondent and a political commissar in the Polish Army in the East. At that time he wrote much pro-Soviet propaganda.

In the People's Republic of Poland, he became a writer, publishing many works supporting the ideals of communism, and a politician. He became an editor of two literary journals (Miesięcznik Literacki from 1966 to 1971 and Literatura from 1955 to 1968), and as such he had significant influence on Polish cultural policy. He was Ambassador to Switzerland from 1945 to 1947, Ambassador to France from 1947 to 1950, a deputy to the Polish Parliament from 1952 to 1961, and eventually a member of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers Party from 1964 to 1981.

He was a president of the Polish Chess Federation from 1954 to 1957 and 1963 to 1973.

He died in Warsaw in 1986.

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