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Tommy Sandsmark è nato nel 1947 a Oslo e nel Bridge è stato oltre che giocatore, articolista, insegnante, autore e direttore di Torneo.
Laureato all'Università di Oslo in Lingua Tedesca, insegnante di Tedesco ed Inglese, in gioventù creò la rivista "Bridge & Kryss" e per moltissimi anni ha scritto articoli giornalieri per tutte le principali testati norvegesi.
Poliglotta, conosce oltre al Norvegese ed alle due lingue che ha insegnato, lo Svedese, il Danese ed il Francese. Nel 1975 fondò con altri la famosa "Bridge i Norge" di cui fu editore dal 1985 al 1999.
Membro onorario della Federazione Bridgistica Norvegese, come giornalista ha vinto 13 titoli nazionali e diversi altri internazionali.
Membro del CdA della IBPA per 16 anni, ne è stato Vicepresidente e Presidente ed è stato insignito assieme ad Allan Truscott della carica di Presidente Onorario.
Ha anche ricoperto varie cariche amministrative in seno alla EBL.
Come giocatore ha colto alcuni prestigiosi piazzamenti nazionali ed è un Norwegian Grand Master.
Tommy Sandsmark (b. 1947) of Oslo, Norway. Bridge columnist, teacher, author
and tournament director.
Formal education: teacher of languages (English and German). Editor of his own bridge press agency, "Bridge & Kryss", supplying more than 30 newspapers all over Norway with daily bridge columns and crossword puzzles. A big daily column and a half-page weekly column in Dagsavisen, one of Norway's national newspapers.
Editor of Daily Bulletins at all European Junior Team Championships from 1984 to 1992. Editor of the Daily Bulletin in the 1st World Junior Championship in Amsterdam 1985.
Editor of the Daily Bulletin in the Open European Championship in Turku, Finland 1989, where he introduced desktop publishing for the first time in international championship bulletins (Pagemaker)
Principal of Norway's biggest bridge School. One of 6 internationally authorized tournament directors in Norway, and the only one in Europe to attend all 4 international tournament directors' courses, 3 of them as a lecturer.
On the Appeals Committee in national, European and World Championships since 1990, often as a scribe. In 1975 he was one of the founders of the independent Norwegian bridge magazine, "Bridge i Norge", which he published and edited from 1985 to 1999. One of the founding fathers and an honor member of the Norwegian Bridge Press Association (NBP).
Has won 13 national and several international journalist awards.
Was on the Executive Committee of the International Bridge Press Association (IBPA) for 16 years, served as Executive Vice-President for two years and President of the IBPA for 6 years.
He then initiated the European and World Journalist Pairs Championships. Holds the title "President Emeritus" of the IBPA (together with Alan Truscott). Member of the EBL Youth Committee 1984 - 1990. Member of the EBL Press & Publications Committee 1990 - 1994. Member of the EBL Tournament Committee 1992-95. Honor member of his bridge club, "Bridgekameratene".
Member of the Norwegian Laws Committee 1991-93. Twice the runner-up in the Oslo Pairs Championship, participated 4 times in the national team and pair finals and was European Journalist Champion together with Peter Lund (Denmark) in Vilamoura, Portugal 1995. Norwegian International Master.
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