Dorothy RICE SIMS |
Dorothy Rice nacque il 24 giugno del 1889 ad Asbury Park nel New Jersey e sin dalla gioventù si distinse conseguendo titoli sportivi in campi che erano ai suoi tempi di dominio prettamente maschile.
Fu campionessa di motociclismo vincendo il Campionato americano di Categoria nel 1911 e fu anche una delle primissime donne a conseguire il brevetto di aviatrice presso la Wright School di Mineola nel 1916, con il quale fu utilizzata dall'aviazione americana durante la prima guerra mondiale.
Valente pittrice, scultrice e scrittrice di successo, "Red Devil" come veniva per lo più chiamata, si avvicinò al bridge solo dopo il matrimonio con Philip Hal Sims, che conobbe nel 1917 appunto durante la guerra.
E anche in questo per lei nuovo sport della mente, seppe in breve primeggiare, giocando alla pari con i migliori campioni del suo tempo e cimentandosi nella famosa Battaglia dei Giganti addirittura con i celeberrimi coniugi Culbertson.
Dorothy è anche universalmente nota come l'ideatrice delle dichiarazioni psichiche con le quali fu capace di infinocchiare fior di campioni del suo tempo.
Dorothy, che come bridgista ha vinto tra l'altro il Mixed BAM Teams del 1930, e che dopo la morte del marito si dedicò a girare il mondo come corrispondente di alcuni importanti giornali, si spense il 24 marzo del 1960 all'età di 71 anni mentre si trovava al Cairo, per un improvviso attacco di cuore che mise fine ad una vita pittoresca e ricca di notevoli successi mietuti nei più svariati campi dell'ingegno e dello sport.
Born in Asbury Park, New Jersey, on June 24, 1889, Sims was one of six
children of Isaac Rice, a businessman (or corporation lawyer) who founded the
Electric Boat Company (producer of submarines for the US Navy and others). Her
younger sister Marion (1891–1990, Marion Rice Hart) also became famous as an
aviator and sportswoman. ("Before her flying career, Mrs. Hart had captained a
72-foot ketch around the world, most of the way alone.") Their mother Julia B.
Rice founded the Society for the Suppression of Unnecessary Noises in New York
Father Isaac Rice was born in Bavaria and raised in Philadelphia. He was also
a musician and musicologist, chess player and patron. Dorothy and Marion were
the second and fourth of six children, the second and third of four daughters.
According to the cultural historian Hillel Schwartz, as paraphrased by a New
Yorker journalist: "In 1903, Isaac Rice and his wife and intellectual partner,
Julia Barnett Rice—both accomplished musicians—sought to escape noisy Broadway.
They built a four-story mansion on the tree-lined drive, then a place replete
with coaches and foreign servants, and largely free from cars. Julia had a
medical degree; Isaac, a venture capitalist, invested in things like air
compressors, submarines, and the 'pickled energy' that powered electric vehicles."
Julia Rice's campaign resulted in a federal law "quieting the whistles of
ships in federal waters"
"The careers of the six Rice children
attracted considerable attention in New York, because their parents encouraged
them to stifle their inhibitions."[7] Dorothy Rice left school at twelve, she
recalled in her 1940 memoir Curiouser and Curiouser, seeing "no point in
clogging my mind with things that everyone knew"; her father was pleased rather
than vexed.
As a young woman she was a motorcycle
racer and (trained at Wright School, Mineola, New York, in 1916) a solo aviator.
Her first husband was the artist Waldo
Peirce. The New York Times reported on October 16, 1917, that the aviatrix
Dorothy Rice Peirce "seeks divorce; ... alleges non-support and cruelty".
She met Sims when he chartered her plane.
Their home in Deal, New Jersey, described in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle as
reminiscent "of the castles of the feudal barons in medieval days" became a
headquarters for bridge experts.
While Sims was "an expert in motorcycle racing, flying and sculptoring, but
her bridge ability was just moderate". She became a famous bridge player,
however, as one of her expert husband's partners and for her frequent use of
"psychic" bids, or "psyches". She is known for inventing the tactic and it
appears that she coined the term "psychic".
Sims and Sims faced Ely and Josephine Culbertson in a long rubber bridge
match during March and April 1935 (Culbertson–Sims match). ["The Culbertsons won
by 16,130 points in 150 rubbers."][7] After her death in 1960, New York Times
bridge columnist Albert Hodges Morehead wrote that "bridge lost the last and
most lovable of the greatest and most colorful foursome it ever knew. ... These
four took contract bridge ... and made it a world-wide habit. They accomplished
this partly by design but more by the accident of their personalities." Dorothy
was "delightfully naive and guilelessly outspoken. Each was a perfect foil for
all three of the others."
(Morehead also observed that he (twenty years younger) "loved Dorothy
devotedly".) Morehead had been one of three substitute players available to the
Culbertsons in the Culbertson–Sims match contested for three weeks beginning
March 25, 1935. His byline appeared on a weekly article covering bridge
beginning November 3, 1935 (for the Vanderbilt Cup tournament) and he remained
the bridge editor until succeeded by Alan Truscott in January 1964.
According to her obituary in the New York Herald Tribune, her trademark
psychic bidding "was but another manifestation of an instinct for nonconformity
... developed in her during childhood.
Sims was a winner or runner-up in "national" tournaments exclusively before
the creation of the American Contract Bridge League by merger of competing
organizations in 1937. Today the ACBL recognizes the following as her
achievements in North American Bridge Championships-level competition. Beside
the limitation to first and second place it may be incomplete in the extent of
contemporary competition for "national" titles.
She passed away
of a heart attack, March 24th, 1960 while in Cairo, Egypt.
Dorothy Rice Sims (June 24, 1889 – March 24, 1960) was a
American sportswoman, aviatrix, bridge player, artist, and journalist.
Sims and Sims won the second annual (contract bridge) Master Mixed Teams
tournament in 1930, evidently with two men as teammates. (Except 1930, the
winners and runners-up apparently comprised two men and two women, presumably
playing as mixed pairs.) They were runners-up in 1933.[14] In 1930 they were
also runners-up in the second annual Board-a-Match Teams for the Chicago Trophy
(now the Reisinger).
According to Morehead: "She did not actually invent the psychic bid, though it
is generally credited to her, but she did give it its name and she wrote the
first and only book about it."
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