Charles SOLOMON |
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Charles J. Solomon è nato il primo novembre del 1906 a Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, avvocato, scrittore e insegnante di bridge, è stato una delle più eminenti personalità del bridge del suo tempo. Sua moglie Peggy è stata una delle più forti giocatrici USA nel ventennio che parte dagli anni '70.
Ha fatto parte alcune volte della rappresentativa statunitense ed ha vinto 14 NABC tra i quali ricordiamo 4 volte la Reisinger (1937, 38, 39, 44), 2 Mitchell (1952, 65) ed una volta la Spingold (1955).
È anche stato capitano del team femminile USA ed è stato Presidente della ACBL nel 1958 e suo Membro onorario nel 1961.
Ha partecipato alla fondazione della WBF della quale è stato Presidente dal 1964 al 1968 e Presidente Onorario fino alla sua scomparsa avvenuta il 19 giugno del 1975.
Nel 1966 ha donato alla WBF il Trofeo che porta il suo nome e che premia il Paese che ha conseguito il miglior risultato nelle gare a coppie dei NABC's.
È stato anche editore del Philadelphia Inquirer per circa 30 anni e nel 2000 la ACBL gli ha concesso l'onore di far parte della Hall of Fame.
Charles J. Solomon (1906
- 1975) of Philadelphia, attorney, bridge administrator, teacher and author was a
leading figure in bridge.
He became Life Master #16 in 1939 and he amassed a lifetime total of 6594 masterpoints.
Solomon won 12 national titles, including the Chicago (now the Reisinger) in 1937, 1938, 1939 and 1944; the Men’s Pairs in 1943, the Life Master Pairs in 1946, the Master Individual in 1947, the Master Mixed Teams in 1949, 1950 and 1959; the Men’s B-A-M Teams in 1952 and 1965; the Spingold in1955. In addition to 16 2nd places — the Life Master Pairs in 1938, the Spingold in 1939, the Master Mixed Teams in 1939 and 1940; the Master Individual in 1943, the Reisinger in 1953 and 1959; the Vanderbilt in 1954 and 1958; the Men’s B-A-M Teams in 1955 and 1960; the Open Pairs in 1959 and 1968; the Mixed Pairs in 1961, the Life Master Men’s Pairs in 1963 and numerous regional wins.
Solomon was a member of the U.S. International team in 1956, non-playing captain of the Open Team in 1959 and for the U.S. Women’s Team in 1960. He donated the Charles J. Solomon Trophy to the World Bridge Federation in 1966, to be given to the country with the best record in pair events at the World Pair Championship. He served as the ACBL president in 1958 and was chairman of the Board in 1944, 1955 and 1957; He was named ACBL Honorary Member of the Year in 1961.
On the international level, Solomon was a member of the organizing committee and helped to found the World Bridge Federation. He served as the WBF vice president from 1964-1968, as president from 1964-1968, chairman of the Board from 1968-1972 and was honorary chairman from 1972 until his death. He also served with distinction on the ACBL Laws Commission from 1940-1960 and on the Editorial Advisory Board of The Official Bridge Encyclopedia. Solomon was the author of Slam Bidding and Point Count and NoTrump Bidding and was the bridge editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer for 30 years. He sponsored the IBPA Solomon Award, given annually for best the description of a bridge deal in the world press.
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