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 Elke Weber è nata a Colonia ma ha studiato e vive ad Heidelberg dove ha incontrato il marito Fried, anche lui nazionale di bridge.

 Lavora part time presso il reparto informatico della Centro Universitario di Medicina di Mannheim e questo gli lascia il tempo per insegnare e praticare con successo il Bridge.

 Ha imparato a giocare verso i 15 anni dai familiari ed ha vinto alcuni Campionati Tedeschi piazzandosi in molti altri.

 A livello continentale ha vinto due argenti, uno ai Campionati Europei a Squadre femminili del  2002 e l'altro, sempre nella Categoria Femminile,  ai Campionati Europei Open del 2005.

 Elke, che è anche la co-fondatrice del Bridge Club di Mannheim, ama molto i giochi da tavola, andare in bicicletta, in canoa e fare trekking.

Elke Weber was born in Cologne but has studied and lived in Heidelberg where she met her husband Fried, who was also good bridge player.

She works part time at the IT department of the Medical Center University of Mannheim and this allows her to have time for teaching and practicing successfully Bridge.

He learned to play at the age of 15 by his family and has won several German Championships and finished in the first positions in many others.

At the continental level he has won two silvers, one at the European Championships in Women's Teams in 2002 and another, always in the Category Female, at Open European Championships in 2005.

Elke, who is also the co-founder of the Bridge Club in Mannheim, is very fond of table games, cycling, canoeing and hiking.

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