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Associazione Bridge Americana

American Bridge Association


 La stranota ACBL non è l'unica Federazione Nord Americana di portata storica, infatti, fin dal 1932 esiste la ABA.

 La ABA fu fondata a Buckroe in Virginia per risolvere il problema della proibizione di partecipare ai Campionati Nord Americani per la gente di colore.

 Nel 1936 l'ABA incorporò per fusione la Eastern Bridge League che era costituita da un gruppo di club della zona di New York.

 L'ABA si sviluppò rapidamente e stabilì un suo sistema di masterpoint con il quale suddividere in diverse Categorie i suoi Soci agonisti, inoltre, iniziò a pubblicare una rivista trimestrale.

 Nel 1964 la ACBL, stabilì il diritto di poter partecipare ad ogni tipo di competizione a tutti i suoi Soci in ogni parte del Paese e, infine, tre anni più tardi, integrò il suo Statuto per stabilire che a nessuno individuo può essere negata l'Associazione per motivi di razza, di colore o di appartenenza religiosa.

 Ma, l'ABA, nel frattempo, aveva raccolto un gran numero di Soci che continuano a confrontarsi nei vari tornei regionali organizzati dall'Associazione e, due volte l'anno, nei National: Spring (aprile) e Summer (agosto) che laureano i Campioni Americani nelle diverse Categorie. 

 L'ABA, che è oggi divisa in 8 sezioni geografiche, a detta di molti, si distingue per il particolare spirito di amicizia e di divertimento che permea tutte le sue manifestazioni sportive.

The desire to compete in the sport of tennis despite the racial barriers of the time resulted in the  creation of the American Tennis Association in 1916.  The Association often held its matches on college campuses such as Hampton Institute, now Hampton University, and Lincoln University, where adequate facilities were available.  One such championship event was held at Hampton in the year, 1932.  At the conclusion of the tournament , a group of tennis players, who were also bridge enthusiasts, suggested having a duplicate bridge match in the evening as a form of relaxation.  This event, coupled with impetus from the Cromwell School of Contract Bridge in New York City, marked the beginning of the American Bridge Association. Dr. M.E. DuBisette became the first president of the ABA and the first National Bridge Tournament was held in Buckroe Beach, Virginia in 1933.

Growth was eminent for the newly formed ABA.  In 1936, the ABA merged with the Eastern Bridge League, a group of New York City bridge clubs. Since this time the ABA has evolved into eight sections:

Eastern, Great Lakes, Mid-Atlantic, Southern, Southwestern, Midwestern, Western, and Northwestern.

As the ABA continued to grow, attention focused on the need for a permanent home.  The ideal of a permanent location was accomplished when a building, which now houses the ABA National Office and ABA memorabilia, was purchased in Atlanta, Georgia in 1994.

Since its inception, the ABA seeks to recognize its achievers and high ranking players. The Merit Award is given yearly to either an ABA or non-ABA member who has rendered meritorious service to the ABA within the previous year.  Life memberships are awarded yearly to individuals who have been ABA members for at least twenty years and who have a record of outstanding service at the local sectional and national levels.  Other prestigious awards are granted to those players amassing the most points within a calendar year.

Although highlighting the achievements of its own, the ABA also identifies with the larger social arena  in which it functions.  In 1963, the ABA established the F. Alberta Peterson Scholarship Award. This program has now been incorporated into a broader arm of the ABA—The American Bridge Association Education and Charitable Foundation, established in 2002.  The Foundation’s mission is to engage in educational and charitable activities, provide scholarships, and facilitate learning opportunities for young and adult citizens.

The vast history of the American Bridge Association is recorded and preserved in several ways.  In the 1980’s, the American Bridge Association selected the Schomburg Center in New York City to officially house its memorabilia.  The ABA National Headquarters showcases artifacts and catalogs ABA documents.  In 2005, the American Bridge Association published Defining Moments, a historical package which includes a written chronicle, DVD of oral history, and playing cards.  These  components depict the movements, forces, and people who helped shape the history of the ABA.  The entire package or its components may be obtained from the ABA National Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

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