Federazione Bridge Inglese |
English Bridge Union |
L'Unione del Bridge Inglese č un ente morale senza profitto, fondato per diffondere il gioco del Bridge Duplicato.
I nuovi bridgisti hanno il Bridge nel sangue e la EBU č nata per incoraggiarli.
La EBU č affiliata alla European Bridge League e alla World Bridge Federation.
Tra i suoi compiti sono annoverati:
- organizzare il Bridge nelle 39 contee inglesi
- organizzare le gare a tutti i livelli
- pubblicare riviste
- formare insegnanti e direttori di gara
- emanare e pubblicare le Leggi del Bridge
- supportare il bridge nelle Scuole e nelle Universitŕ
- gestire le classiche ed il punteggio degli iscritti
- selezionare le Squadre nazionali
- gestire l'informativa via Internet
- mantenere i contatti con la stampa nazionale
- supportare gli oltre 600 club inglesi
- intrattenere rapporti con la Politica per sostenere e migliorare l'immagine del Bridge
The English Bridge Union Limited (EBU) is a non-profit, membership-funded organisation committed to promoting the game of duplicate bridge. It is also a National Bridge Organisation in its own right affiliated to the European Bridge League and the World Bridge Federation.
New players are the lifeblood of the game, and the EBU is keen to encourage them. The EBU:
Organises bridge via its 39 county associations• Runs competitions for players at beginner, local, county and national level
• Publishes magazines about bridge
• Trains teachers, tournament directors and others who work in the game
• Publishes the laws of bridge and looks after the formalities of the game
• Supports educational initiatives in schools and universities
• Maintains a Master Points scheme to give players a lifetime achievement record
• Selects the England international teams for European, World and Olympic events - bridge is a sport at which England excels
• Disseminates information via the web site. Look here for details of teachers and clubs as well as the latest news and results
• Informs the press of happenings in the world of bridge
• Supports a network of over 600 clubs throughout England
• Uses its influence to lobby for greater national recognition of the game.