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European Girl Teams - Under 26


Gli European Youth Championships sono stati organizzati dalla Federazione Europea a partire dal 1968 per iniziativa di André Boekhorst e si disputano ogni anno pari

Gli European Youth Championships vengono disputati ogni due anni ed ogni Paese può presentare una sola squadra open composta da giocatori under 26 e, dal 1994 un'altra composta da under 21, nonché, dal 2004, una squadra femminile di under 26 e dal 2008 una Squadra Ragazzi Under 16

Le prime squadre classificate acquisiscono il diritto a rappresentare l'Europa nei World Youth Team Championship che sono invece organizzati dalla World Bridge Federation

Alla Squadra Under 26 vincitrice di ogni edizione viene assegnato il David Pigot Trophy

Alla Squadra Under 21 vincitrice di ogni edizione viene assegnato il José Damiani Trophy

 The European Youth Team Championships is the flagship competition of the EBL youth programmes. It comprises three series, one for Juniors players (up to 25 years), one for Youngsters players (up to 20 years) and one for young Girls (up to 25 years). Each EBL member country is entitled to enter one (national) team in each series. The format is a simple round-robin (all play all), at the end of which the team with most points gets the European crown. The top teams in the Junior series also earn the right to represent Europe in the World Youth Team Championship, arranged as a interzonal competition by the World Bridge Federation

The competition was founded by EBL Youth Committee Chairman André Boekhorst in 1968 when the first event was held in Prague , capital of Czechoslovakia at the time, with the Juniors series only. It has continued as a biennial event held every even-numbered year ever since. In 1994, EBL Youth Committee Chairman Panos Gerontopoulos proposed the establishment of the Youngsters series to accommodate younger players. The Girls series was added in 2004. The Kids series was added in 2008

Two prominent members of the international bridge community have donated the Trophies to be awarded to the winning teams. David Pigot is the honor of the European Juniors Team Championship , while the winner of the European Youngsters Team Championship receives the José Damiani Trophy


2004 (1 - 11 agosto) - Praga (Repubblica Ceka) - 11 squadre

1. AUSTRIA Christian Feldewer cng, Adele Gogoman, Anna Gogoman, Iris Grumm, Caroline Hupka
2. SVEZIA Kriste Ahlesved cng, Lars Andersson (coach), Cecilia Rimstedt, Sandra Rimsted, Jenny Ryman Wolpert, Emma Sjoberg
3. POLONIA Wojtek Siwiec cng, Ewa Grabowska, Edyta Jurkiewicz, Joanna Krawczyk, Marta Maj, Kamila Szczepanska, Katharzyna Zegilewicz
L'Italia giunge 5ª


2005 (13 - 23 luglio) - Riccione (Italia) - 10 squadre

1.OLANDA Monique Van de Sande cng, Martine Verbeek (coach), Rosalien Barendregt, Astrid Dekker, Marion Michielsen, Claudia van der Salm, Marleen Van Gelder, Meike Wortel
2. SVEZIA Cecilia Rimstedt, Sandra Rimsted, Sara Sivelind, Emma Sjoberg
3. AUSTRIA Christian Feldewer (cng), Adele Gogoman, Anna Gogoman, Iris Grumm, Ursula Assmann
L'Italia giunge 9ª

2007(11 - 21 luglio) - Jesolo (Italia) - 12 squadre

1. POLONIA Roman Krzemien cng, Joanna Krawczyck, Marta Maj, Natalia Sakowska, Kamila Szczepanska, Kamila Wesolowska, Justyna Zmuda
2. OLANDA Monique van de Sande cng, Maarten Schollaardt coach, Rosaline Barendregt, Astrid Dekker, Marleen van Gelder, Jamilla Spangenberg, Sigrid Spangenberg
3. SVEZIA Tobias Tornqvist (cng), Pia Andersson (coach), Freja Andersson, Kristin Nedlich, Sandra Rimstedt, Emma Sjoberg
L'Italia giunge 7ª

2009 (8 - 18 luglio) - Brasov (Romania) - 14 squadre

1. POLONIA Miroslaw Cichocki (cng), Leszek Nowak (coach), Ewa Agnieszka Grabowska, Magdalena Holeska, Paulina Jatczak, Natalia Sakowska, Katarzyna Tyszkiewicz, Izabela Weinhold
2. FRANCIA Jerome Rombaut (cng), Marion Canonne, Jessie Carbonneaux de Tessieres, Claire Chaugny, Carole Puillet, Léa Robert, Aurelie Thizy
3. OLANDA Alex van Reenen (cng), Hand Kelder (coach), Rosaline Barendgret, Laura Dekkers, Lotte Leufkens, Jamilla Spangenberg, Sigrid Spangenberg
L'Italia giunge 11ª


2011 (13 -23 luglio) - Albena (Bulgaria) - 10 squadre

1. POLONIA Miroslaw Cichocki (cng), Magdalena Holeska, Aleksandra Jarosz, Danuta Kazmucha, Joanna Taczewska, Izabela Weinhold, Justyna Zmuda,
2. OLANDA Alex van Reenen (cng), Hand Kelder (coach), Rosaline Barendgret, Marleen Beuger, Judith Nab, Jamilla Spangenberg, Sigrid Spangenberg, Magdalena Ticha
3. FRANCIA Jerom Rombaut (cng), Marion Canonne, Jessie Carbonneaux de Tessieres, Claire Chaugny, Carole Puillet, Laure Favard, Aurelie Thizy
L' Italia giunge 4ª


2013 (11 - 20 luglio) - Breslavia (Polonia) - 9 squadre

1. FRANCIA Jerom Rombaut (cng), Anais Leleu, Jessie Carbonneaux de Tessieres,  Aurelie Thizy, Jennifer Mourgues, Anne Rouanet-Labe, Anne Laure Tartarin Huberschwiller
2. OLANDA Alex van Reenen (cng), Hand Kelder (coach), Magdalena Ticha, Natalia Banas, Doris van Delft, Lotte Leufkens, Judith Nab, Emma de Ruiter
3. ITALIA Emanuela Capriata (cng), Giorgia Botta, Caterina Burgio, Federica Butto, Margherita Chavarria, Margherita Costa, Michela Salvato


2015 (18 - 25 luglio) - Tromsö (Norvegia) - 6 squadre

1. FRANCIA Jerome Rombaut (cng), Sarah Combescure, Anne-Laure Hubertschwiller, Anais Leleu, Jennifer Mourgues, Solene Thepaut-Ventos, Mathilde Thuillez
2. POLONIA Piotr Zatorski (cng), Katarzyna Dufrat (coach), Joanna Brede, Magda Budzynska, Izabella Jaworska, Zuzanna Moszczynska, Dominika Piesiewicz, Justyna Zmuda
3. ITALIA Gianni Medugno (cng), Emanuela Capriata (coach), Rossella Benincasa, Margherita Chavarria, Margherita Costa, Caterina De Lutio, Michela Salvato, Giulia Scriattoli


2017 (8 - 15 luglio) - Šamorin (Slovacchia) - 10 squadre

1. OLANDA Anneke Simons (cng), Aarnout Helmich (coach), Janneke Wackwitz, Mette Lejeune, Esther Visser, Sandra Kolen, Merel Bruijnsteen
2. POLONIA Katarzyna Dufrat (cng), Justyna Zmuda (coach), Justyna Duszynska, Dominika Piesiewicz, Zuzanna Moszczynska, Zofia Baldysz, Hanna Ciunczyk, Anna Zareba
3. INGHILTERRA Sally Brock (cng), Bryony Youngs (coach), Yvonne Wiseman, Alex Birchall, Olivia Bailey, Siju Ren, Hanna Tuus, Ewa Wieczorek
L'Italia non partecipa


2019 (4 - 11 luglio) - Stokke (Norvegia) - 9 squadre

1. POLONIA Zuzanna Moszczynska (coach), Rafal Marks (cng), Zofia Baldysz, Joanna Kokot, Dominika Ocylot, Monika Suchodolska, Joanna Zalewska, Anna Zareba
2. UNGHERIA Andras Honyek (cng), Maria Beko, Brigitta Fischer, Hanka Lajos, Hanna Revai, Villo Szucks
3. OLANDA Anneke Simons (cng), Aarnout Helmich (coach), Janneke Wackwitz, Mette Lejeune, Esther Visser, Sandra Kolen, Juliet Berwald, Malene Holm Christensen
L'Italia arriva 6ª


2021 - cancellato per pandemia


2022 (19 - 26 luglio) - Veldhoven (Olanda) - 8 squadre

1. ITALIA Luigina Gentili (cng), Valerio Giubilo (coach), Sophia Cabobianco, Eleonora Dalpozzo, Federica Dalpozzo, Valentina Dalpozzo, Annachiara Pelaggi, Maddalena Pelaggi
2. FRANCIA Wilfried Libbrecht (cng), Michel Abecassis (coach), Constance Belloy, Clara Bouton, Margaux Kurek Beaulieu, Anais Leleu, Wilhelmine Schlumberger, Mathilde Thuillez
3. OLANDA  Janneke Wackwitz (cng), Rens Philipsen (coach), Fleur Beekman, Juliet Berwald, Malene Holm Christensen, Lotte De Wijs, Sarah De Wijs, Mette Lejeune,


2024 (19 - 26 luglio) - Breslavia (Polonia) - 11 squadre

1. FRANCIA Constance BELLOY, Clara BOUTON, Margaux KUREK BEAULIEU, Zoey MAUBERQUEZ, Elise NUGUES, Wilhelmine SCHLUMBERGER, Wilfried LIBBRECHT, captain & coach

Amalie Rosa BUNE, Sophie BUNE, Clara Brun PEDERSEN, Alma Ertbjerg RASMUSSEN, Ella ROSTHOEJ, Julie Marina SIGSGAARD, Camilla Bo KREFELD, captain
3. ITALIA Valerio Giubilo (cng), Dario Attanasio (coach), Eleonora Dalpozzo, Federica Dalpozzo, Valentina Dalpozzo, Sophia Capobianco, Zaira Davide, Cristina Brusotti


