Yves AUBRY |
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Yves Aubry è nato nel 1951 a Quimper una cittadina costiera della Bretagna Francese a Sud di Brest.
Medico è Direttore del Dipartimento di Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione nell'Ospedale di Lorient.
Si è tesserato per la FFB nel 1973 e fin da subito è entrato nell'amministrazione delle cose del Bridge diventando Presidente del Bridge Club di Vannes, una città situata circa 60 Km a Sud di Lorient.
Nel 1976 si è sposato con Dominique.
Più tardi è divenuto membro del Comitato di Gestione della FFB e nel 1995 suo Vice Presidente.
Dal 2006 al 2010 è stato Presidente della FFB di cui oggi è Presidente Onorario.
Entrato a far parte del Comitato Esecutivo della EBL, organizzò i Campionati Europei di Pau e poi la Champion Cup di Parigi guadagnando una medaglia d'oro per la sua competente dedizione.
Dal 2010 fino alla metà del 2018 è stato anche Presidente della European Bridge League.
Yves Aubry
was born in 1951 in Brittany, France. He is a Doctor of Medicine and the
Director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the
hospital of his home town Lorient.
Yves Aubry became a member of the French Bridge Federation (FFB) in 1973, and soon became involved in bridge administration.
Married with Dominique in 1976.
He served as president of the Vannes Bridge Club before being elected president of the Brittany regional committee in 1989.
At the same time, he took part in the national administration, first as a member of the FFB Management Committee, then as Vice President (1995-2006) and then as FBB President (2006-10) which today is the Honorary President.
In 2003, the French Bridge Federation supported his candidacy as a member of the European Bridge League Executive Committee to which he was elected, and then reelected in 2007. During his term in office, he served as Chairman of the Medical Commission, the Credentials Committee and the Teaching and Schools Committee. In his second term, he was elected EBL 1st Vice President and appointed EBL delegate to the World Bridge Federation Executive Council.
In 2008, Yves Aubry organized the 49th European Team Championships in Pau, France, and in 2009 the 8th edition of the European Champions' Cup in Paris. For the former, he was awarded the EBL gold medal.
In June 2010 in Ostend, Yves Aubry was elected President of the European Bridge League, and succeeded Gianarrigo Rona who stepped down after 11 years in office. He remained in office until the mid 2018.