Lynn A. BAKER |
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Nata nel 1957 a Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, Lynn Baker si è laureata con lode nel 1978 allo Yale College di New Haven e ha preso un master alla Oxford University
Durante il liceo è stata una eccellente campionessa di canottaggio tanto da venire convocata in nazionale.
Attualmente è docente in legge alla Texas University.
Lynn ha conosciuto il bridge a New York nel 1986 mentre lavorava nell'ufficio di Amalia Kearse, ma ha deciso di dedicarsi seriamente al gioco solo nel 1996. Allieva di Karen Mc Callum, dopo soli 18 mesi che aveva cominciato a giocare seriamente, ha vinto il suo primo NABC.
Oggi è una World Women Grand Master che ha già fatto parte più volte della Nazionale femminile a stelle e strisce conquistando la medaglia d'argento alla Venice Cup del 2009 e quella d'oro ai World Bridge Women Teams del 2014 ed agli Open European Women Teams. Nel 2017 ha guadagnato l'argento agli Europei Open e nel 2023 ha vinto l'argento ai Campionati Europei Transnazionali Femminili.
Nel 2018 ha vinto la McConnell.
Sul piano Nazionale ha vinto molti NABC tra i quali ricordiamo gli Sternberg del 1999, 2005, 2006 e 2008.
Lynn è sposata con Samuel H. Dinkin, un ottimo bridgista che come coach ha guidato la squadra femminile USA all'argento nel Mondiale a Squadre del 2009.
Sam e Lynn vivono ad Austin assieme alla loro figlia Mariah Alexandra.
Lynn Baker was born in 1957 in Pittsburgh,
While at Yale
College, Lynn was
selected to the Varsity Women's Crew in each of her four
years, despite never having rowed before.
Their daughter, Mariah Alexandra Baker, has already won one National Championship in bridge. "Her mother (me!) was several months pregnant with her when I won the Women's Swiss Teams at the Reno NABC in March 1998," explains Lynn.
Lynn won her first North American National title (the Women's Swiss Teams in Reno, 1998) playing with her teacher-mentor Karen McCallum after only one and a half years of serious bridge study, and playing in only her third National team event.
Lynn has since won two more National titles (the Mixed Board-A-Match Teams in 1999 playing with Granovetter and the 1999 Women's B-A-M teams playing with McCallum), finished second once (1999 Women's Teams), and given birth.
In 2000, Baker and Levitina were the only all-female pair to qualify for the final of the Blue Ribbon Pairs. A year earlier, when she played with McCallum, they were one of only two such pairs to do so.
When asked about memorable victories, Lynn said, "the most memorable to date was the Mixed Board-a-Match Teams (San Antonio, 1999) because we played four-handed (Zia, Karen McCallum, Matt Granovetter and myself).
In 2009 Lynn earned silver medal in Venice Cup, in 2014 she won the World Bridge Women Teams and in 2015 the gold medal at the European Open Women Teams. In 2017 she earned the silver medal in the European Open and in 2023 she won the silver in the European Transnational Women Teams.
In 2018 she won the McConnell.
On the national level he has won many NABC among which we remember the Sternbergs of 1999, 2005, 2006 and 2008. Lynn is married to Samuel H. Dinkin, an excellent bridge player who as a coach led the USA women's team to silver in the 2009 World Team Championship.
Sam and Lynn live in Austin with their daughter Mariah Alexandra.