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  Joann Glasson č nata a Philadelphia nel 1947 ed ha studiato presso il locale St. Hubert's Catholic High School for Girls e presso la non lontana Universitā di Villanova nell'omonima cittā della Pennsylvania.

 Presidente della Fairless Credit Union di Fairless Hills, sposata con una figlia, vive a Pennington nel New Jersey ed č una World Women Master che ha guadagnato alcuni titoli regionali e nazionali tra i quali ricordiamo il Whitehead del 2009 e lo Sternberg del 2012.

 Finalmente nel 2015 arriva la medaglia d'argento nella prestigiosa Venice Cup.

  Joann Glasson was born in Philadelphia in 1947 and she studied at the local St. Hubert's Catholic High School for Girls and at the University of Villanova in the homonymous town of Pennsylvania.

 President of the Credit Union Fairless of Fairless Hills, married with one daughter, lives in Pennington, New Jersey and is a World Women Masters who gained some national and regional titles among which the 2009 Whitehead and  the 2012 Sternberg.

 Finally, in 2015 she won the silver medal in the prestigious Venice Cup.



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