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 Joseph Maurice Godefrin Jr. detto "Joe", è nato il 16 gennaio del 1947a Sarasota in Florida e vi ha trascorso l'intera vita lavorando in un ippodromo/cinodromo e divenendo per un breve periodo famoso a causa di uno spot televisivo.

 Sposato con Bobby Ray Godefrin ha collezionato molti trofei sia nazionali che internazionali ed in particolare ha vinto il titolo mondiale a Squadre Senior nel 2002 categoria nella quale era  Senior Life Master.

 Joe, che nella sua vita aveva collezionato oltre 20.000 master points, è scomparso il 20 maggio del 2012 a causa di un cancro.

  Joe Godefrin, Grand Life Master and one of Florida's most well-known players, was born 1947 an died 2012 of colon cancer  in Sarasota.

 Godefrin had most of his tournament success with Ed Schulte of Tampa FL. They won the Leventritt Silver Ribbon Pairs in 2004, and they played together in three second-place finishes in North American championships.

 Godefrin had more than 20,000 master points to his credit at the time of his death.

 Godefrin was born and raised in Sarasota, where he lived all his life. He worked for 30 years as a pari-mutuel clerk at the Sarasota Kennel Club, a dog and horse racing track. For a time, he was a minor celebrity outside the bridge world in Sarasota because of a television commercial he did for his employer.

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