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 Richard Granville è nato nel 1954 ha studiato matematica ed informatica e ha intrapreso una carriera come ingegnere del software specializzandosi nella sicurezza. Nel 2010 ha cambiato prospettiva ed è diventato consulente del web site "No Fear Bridge", per il quale fornisce la maggior parte del materiale bridgistico.

  Richard ha iniziato a giocare a bridge quando aveva solo 10 anni con l'aiuto di un insegnante scolastico ed ha migliorato la sua tecnica durante gli studi fino a diventare uno dei giocatori più forti dell'università di Cambridge.

 Dopo aver rappresentato il suo Paese a livello giovanile per diversi anni vincendo un bronzo agli Europei del 1974 ed un oro in quelli del 1978, Richard ha conosciuto il Go e ha deciso di concentrarsi su quest'ultimo gioco, guadagnando il grado di dan nel 1981 e diventando presidente della British Go Association.

 Nel 2014 ha ripreso a giocare a bridge conseguendo alcuni successi a livello nazionale e pubblicando con David Burn un sistema dichiarativo chiamato "Mosso".


Richard was born in 1954 and learned to play bridge when he was 10. With the help of a county level Maths teacher his bridge improved while at school and he subsequently became one of the group of strong players at Cambridge University during the 1970s. From 1973 to 1978 he represented the country at junior level with a number of partners including Tony Forrester, with whom he also played for England at open level in 1978.

Soon after this Richard took up the Japanese board game of Go and attained a dan ranking in 1981, but was finding it difficult to develop his expertise at both games. He decided to concentrate on Go, later becoming President of the British Go Association and playing for the country in the 1985 European Championship.

Richard continued to play bridge occasionally at club level, but his interest in the game was rekindled while working away from home in 2009. He started to play bridge more seriously and in 2014 was in the runner-up team in the London Super League. He joined the Young Chelsea Bridge Club the following year and was a member of the team that won the 2016 YCKO (club knockout) championship. He also won the EBU Two Stars pairs tournament later that year.

Richard studied Maths and Computing at University. He followed a career as a software engineer and later specialised in software safety, particularly in the aerospace sector. He changed direction in 2010 to become the bridge consultant for the successful No Fear Bridge website, for which he supplies much of the technical material. He has produced more than 1500 declarer and defence problems for the “Hand of the Day” feature, mostly adapted from real-life deals.

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