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Frank Mitchell Hoadley era nato a Montpelier nel Vermont il 18 luglio del 1923 ed è stato un grande appassionato di jazz ed un buon giocatore di bridge.
Diplomato all'Antioch College di Yellow Spring e laureato in letteratura all'Università dell'Oklahoma insegnò presso l'Università del Maryland fin quando non si trasferì a New Orleans nel 1959 ed insegnò prima all'Università di New Orleans e poi alla Loyola Southern University.
Assieme ad alcuni importanti piazzamenti in campo nazionale vinse nel 1960 lo Spring Men Pairs.
Veterano della II Guerra Mondiale, sposato con CJ, ha avuto tre figlie ed è scomparso il 18 aprile del 2010 in New Orleans.
Frank Hoadley was born in Vermont in 1923 and he was a big
jazz fan and a good bridge player.
Frank attended Antioch College, awarded the Purple Heart – wounded three times in WWII, and awarded the Combat Infantry Badge. He earned a PhD in Literature at the University of Oklahoma and taught at the University of Maryland before moving to New Orleans in 1959 to teach at the University of New Orleans, and then at Loyola and Southern Universities. Known locally and nationally as an American Contract Bridge League Life Master, he had a lifelong passion for jazz music, which first attracted him to New Orleans, where, over the years, he became well known among fellow music lovers frequenting the city’s traditional jazz clubs. Together with some important places in the national field won in 1960 Spring Men Pairs.
Veteran of World War II, married, he has three daughters and disappeared on April 18, 2010 in New Orleans.
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