Zeke & Sharon JABBOUR |
Xique "Zeke" Jabbour è nato il 4 novembre del 1928 ad Ann Arbor una cittadina 70 Km ad ovest di Detroit ed ha studiato presso la YSU dell'Ohio e presso l'Università del Michigan.
Oggi vive a Boca Raton in Florida assieme alla moglie Sharon Jabbour, anche lei buona bridgista che ha vinto il Wagar nel 1999.
Zeke è stato costruttore, organizzatore teatrale e politico.
Come bridgista Zeke ha vinto 8 titoli nazionali e a livello internazionale ha conquistato una medaglia di bronzo nella Senior Bowl del 2003 e due volte l'argento nella Rand Cup (1990 e 1994).
È stato anche l'autore della fortunata rubrica “Winsome and Loathsome” sul Bridge Bulletin.
Nel 2017 ha ricevuto il prestigioso premio Blackwood.
Xique "Zeke" Jabbour was born in 1928 in Ann Arbor, a town 70 miles
west of Detroit and studied at the YSU Ohio and at the University of Michigan.
Today he lives in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife Sharon Jabbour, also her a good bridge player.
Zeke was creative home builder, organizer and performer in the theater and an active politician who was known as the kingmaker.
As a bridge player Zeke has won 8 national titles and at international level has gained a bronze medal in the Senior Bowl in 2003 and twice the silver medal in the Rand Cup (1990 and 1994).
he was also the author of the popular column "Winsome and Loathsome" on the Bridge Bulletin.
In 2017 he received the Blackwood Award.
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