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 Nato nel 1979 a Karlstad, una cittā all'estremo nord del lago Vanern, dopo essere stato docente di Economia ed Educazione Fisica  in varie Scuole e Accademie svedesi, č diventato  un professionista di bridge che ha fondato la Per Leandersson Bridge and Education AB con la quale rende i suoi servizi bridgistici.

 Come agonista si č messo in luce nelle Nazionali Giovanili con le quali ha vinto nell'ordine bronzo, oro e argento ai Campionati Europei per Squadre Cadetti del 2011, 2013 e 2015.

 Ha capitanato le Squadre Giovanili Svedesi che hanno vinto il bronzo agli Europei Squadre Ragazzi del 2015 e l'oro ai Campionati Mondiali per Squadre Cadetti del 2014.

Per Leandersson was born in 1979 in Karlstad, a city in the far north of Lake Vanern, after he was Professor of Economics and Physical Education in various Schools and Academies Swedish, he has become a bridge professional who founded the order Leandersson Bridge and Education AB with which makes its services to bridge players.

As an agonist was highlighted in the National Youth with whom he won the order bronze, gold and silver at the European Championships for Teams Cadets of 2011, 2013 and 2015.

He captained the Youth Teams Swedes who won bronze at the 2015 European Championships Kids Teams and gold at the 2014 World Championships Cadets Teams.

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