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Carolyn & Peter  LYNCH


 Peter Lynch è nato il 19 gennaio del 1944 ed è stato uno degli investitori di maggior successo di Wall Street che ancora opera come consulente per il Fidelity Investment

 Laureatosi al Boston College nel 1965 ha preso un Master in Business Administration alla Wharton School dell'Università di Pennsylvania tre anni più tardi.

 Scrittore e filantropo, Peter è anche noto per essere un buon bridgista e lo si può spesso trovare impegnato al tavolo con i suoi amici Warren Buffett e Bill Gates.

 Nel 1991 è stato eletto nella Hall of Fame del business.

 La moglie Carolin Ann Hoff Lynch, prematuramente scomparsa il 1 ottobre del 2015 a causa di complicazioni derivanti dalla sua leucemia, era una filantropa ed una pluri titolata campionessa americana.

 Carolyn, che era nata il 29 agosto del 1946 a Philadelphia, ma che era cresciuta  a Dover nel Delaware, aveva sposato Peter l'11 maggio del 1968 ed insieme avevano fondato "The Lynch Foundation" una Scuola del Boston College che porta il loro nome.

 Laureata in fisica e fisiologia dedicò larga parte della sua vita al recupero dei bambini affetti da fibrosi cistica e paralisi cerebrale nonché ai veterani mutilati di guerra.

 Dal 1970 viveva con il marito e loro tre figlie in Marblehead, un centro marinaro delle Essex County nel Massachusetts, dove era anche la Presidente del Marblehead Garden Club.

 Attiva nel CdA di numerose Istituzioni Culturali e Sociali americane, ricevette il premio papale St. Gregory e fu nominata Dama di Malta.

Senior International Master e ACBL Grand Life Master,  ha fatto parte della Squadra Senior USA che ha vinto la Senior Bowl  nel 2013 e ha capitanato la squadra americana che vinse il bronzo nel 2003 ai Campionati Mondiali.

A livello nazionale ha vinto 5 NABC tra i quali ricordiamo tre volte il Keohane.


  Peter Lynch (born (1944-01-19)January 19, 1944) is a Wall Street stock investor. He is currently a research consultant at Fidelity Investments. Lynch graduated from Boston College in 1965 and earned a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1968.

 Lynch was hired as an intern with Fidelity Investments in 1966 partly because he had been caddying for Fidelity's president (among others) at Brae Burn Country Club in Newton, Massachusetts. He initially covered the paper, chemical, and publishing industries, and when he returned after a two-year Army stint he was hired permanently in 1969. This time Lynch was charged with following the textiles, metals, mining, and chemicals industries, eventually becoming Fidelity's director of research from 1974 to 1977. In 1977, Lynch was named head of the then obscure Magellan Fund which had $18 million in assets. By the time Lynch resigned as a fund manager in 1990, the fund had grown to more than $14 billion in assets with more than 1,000 individual stock positions. From 1977 until 1990, the Magellan fund averaged a 29.2% return.

Lynch's achieved dollar successes in a range of stocks including (by order of profit achieved - source is Beating the Street): Fannie Mae, Ford, Philip Morris, MCI, Volvo, General Electric, General Public Utilities, Student Loan Marketing, Kemper, and Lowes.

Peter Lynch has written (with co-author John Rothchild) three texts on investing, including One Up on Wall Street (ISBN 0671661035), Beating the Street (ISBN 0671759159), and Learn to Earn. The last-named book was written for beginning investors of all ages, mainly teenagers. In essence, One Up served as theory while Beating the Street is application. One Up lays out Lynch’s investment technique including chapters devoted to stock classifications, the two-minute drill, famous numbers, and designing a portfolio. Most of Beating the Street consists of an extensive stock by stock discussion of Lynch’s 1992 Barron's Magazine selections, essentially providing an illustration of the concepts previously discussed. As such, both books represent study material for investors of any knowledge level or ability.

Lynch also wrote a series of investment articles for Worth magazine that expand on many of the concepts and companies mentioned in the books.

Though he continues to work part-time as vice chairman of Fidelity Management & Research Co., the investment adviser arm of Fidelity Investments, spending most of his time mentoring young analysts, Peter Lynch focuses a great deal of time on philanthropy. He said he views philanthropy as a form of investment. He said he prefers to give money to support ideas that he thinks can spread, such as First Night, the New Year's Eve festival that began in Boston in 1976 and has inspired similar events in more than 200 other communities, and City Year, a community service program founded in Boston in 1988 that now operates in 14 locations.

The Lynches give money primarily in five ways: as individuals, through the Lynch Foundation, through a Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, and through two charitable trusts.

The Lynches have made gifts as individuals, donating $10 Million to Peter Lynch's Alma Mater, Boston College, naming the School of Education after the family.

The Lynch Foundation, which had $74 million in assets in 2003, supports education, religious organizations, cultural and historic organizations, and hospitals and medical research.

Mr. Lynch was inducted into the Junior Achievement U.S. Business Hall of Fame in 1991.

Peter was also known to be a good bridge player who could often be seen sitting at the green table with his friends, Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.

His wife Carolyn Ann Hoff Lynch, who died prematurely on October 1 of 2015 due to complications arising from her leukemia, was a philanthropist and an award titled American champion.

Carolyn, who was born on August 29, 1946 in Philadelphia, but was raised in Dover Delaware, had married Peter on 11 May 1968 and they was the founders of "The Lynch Foundation" a School of Boston College who bears them name.

Degree in physics and physiology, devoted a large part of his life to the recovery of children with cystic fibrosis and cerebral palsy as well as to veterans disabled veterans.

From 1970 she lived with her husband and their three daughters in Marblehead, a seafaring town of Essex County in Massachusetts, where he was also the Chairman of the Marblehead Garden Club.

Active board member of several American Cultural and Social Institutions, received the award St. Gregory and was appointed Dame of Malta.

Senior International Master and ACBL Grand Life Master, she served on the Senior Team USA who won the 2013 Senior Bowl and captained the American team that won the bronze medal in 2003 at the World Championships.

Nationally, she won 5 NABC among which three times the Keohane.

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