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 Tony  NUNN


 Tony Nunn  è nato nel 1978 e vive a Sydney in Australia.

 Tony pur essendo valutato un giocatore di grande talento non riusciva a qualificarsi per la nazionale juniores e così ha scelto una scorciatoia facendosi cooptare direttamente  in quella maggiore! di cui è regolare membro fin dal 2003.

 Professionista del Bridge ha provato ogni possibile sistema prima di prescegliere il Naturale.

 Nel 2011 ha colto la sua prima affermazione internazionale guadagnando la seconda piazza nel Transnational Open Teams seguita nel 2012 dalla NEC CUP.

Tony Nunn started his bridge career as one of those immensely talented players who never seemed to be able to qualify for the Australian junior team.

In 2002, he discovered an easier way : he qualified for the open team, a benchmark he continued to meet consistently (while continuing his poor junior team record).

Tony lives in Sydney and works as a bridge professional. Having experimented with all kinds of crazy systems, including Forcing Pass and Moscito, Tony has eventually gravitated towards playing a natural system.

His partnership with Sartaj Hans features a weak notrump based style with a "Bid your suits" philosophy.

Tony has been a regular member of the Australian team, playing for either Australia 1 or Australia 2 each year since 2003.

In 2011 he took his first international success gaining second place in the Transnational Open Teams followed the next year to the NEC CUP.

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