Barbara SEAGRAM |
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Barbara Seagram è nata nel 1949 nelle Barbados ed è una infermiera professionale ed una scrittrice e insegnante di bridge canadese che vive a Toronto.
Barbara è autrice o coautrice di 38 libri tra i quali il famoso "25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know" scritto a 4 mani con Marc Smith che è stato tradotto in 5 lingue e che ha vinto il premio per miglior libro di bridge nell'anno 1999.
Seagram, che ha un figlio Chris, è stata per 12 anni un membro del Consiglio ACBL ed è stata Presidente e Vice Presidente del distretto del Sud Ontario e ha anche fatto parte del Consiglio ABTA.
Come giocatrice Barbara è una Gold Life Master e come insegnante è una Master Teacher ABTA.
Assieme al marito Alex Kornel, dirigono la Barbara Seagram School of Bridge di Toronto.
addition to being
recognized for her
professional bridge
teaching business and as
autohor or co-author of
bridge books, she is
most widely known for
co-writing with Marc
Smith 25 Bridge
Conventions You Should
Know, which received the
American Bridge
Teachers' Association (ABTA)
Book of the Year award
in 1999. The book is in
its 13th printing and
has been translated into
French, German, Japanese
and Danish. It has been
named the top selling
bridge book of the last
50 years.
Seagram, that has a son
Chris, was a
member of the American
Contract Bridge League (ACBL)
Board of Governors from
1997 to 2009, has served
as president and vice
resident of ACBL Unit
166 (Southern Ontario),
has contributed to the
ACBL Bridge Bulletin,
and is annually
recognized as one of the
top ten recruiters of
new ACBL members.
has also served on the
Board of Governors and
Board of Directors for
the ABTA.
Seagram is a Gold Life
Master player and a
Master Teacher (American
Bridge Teachers
Association A.B.T.A.).
has received the Kate
Buckman Award, given to
the person who has
contributed most to
others' enjoyment of the
game, and received the
Audrey Grant Award for
teaching excellence in
and her husband Alex
Kornel run the Barbara
Seagram School of Bridge
in Toronto.
Barbara Seagram (born
1949 in Barbados, West
Indies) is a Canadian
Registered Nurse and
bridge writer, teacher,
and administrator.