Ruth Therese Sherman è nata il 24 novembre del 1903 ed è stata una nota giocatrice newyorkese, la sesta della storia ha diventare ACBL Life Master.
Figlia di un giudice, studiò al Vassar College e per diversi anni fu una chimica ricercatrice.
Uno dei suoi due fratelli, John fu anche lui un appassionato bridgista che ai tempi dell'Università giocò spesso in coppia con la sorella.
Ruth è stata una delle poche donne ha saper vincere sia la Reisinger nel 1944, che la Vanderbilt nel 1953.
Degli 11 NABC conquistati (uno in coppia con il fratello John) ricordiamo anche la Whitehead del 1949.
Scomparve nella sua casa di New York il 6 Aprile del 1965 lasciando buona parte dei suoi averi al giocatore di origine inglese Adam Meredith affinché potesse vivere continuando a giocare a interessarsi solo di bridge.
Ruth T. Sherman (1903 – April 6, 1965) was an American bridge
player from New York City. In 1944 she became ACBL Life Master number 45, the
sixth woman to achieve the rank.
In American Contract Bridge League (ACBL) teams-of-four competition, Sherman won two of the three most important annual tournaments, the Chicago Board-a-Match (now Reisinger) in 1944 and the Vanderbilt in 1953. (The other is the Spingold; few women have won even two.)
She also won the premier competition (then "national championship") for mixed pairs in 1942 and 1950, in partnerships with Harry Fishbein and Peter Leventritt; the premier event for women pairs in 1944 and 1949 with Margaret Wagar and Kay Rhodes. She won the analogous mixed teams three times, the women teams once.
Ruth T. Sherman was a daughter of Judge Henry L. and Mrs. Edna L. Sherman. She received a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Vassar College and worked several years in chemical research. She was a Ph.D. research chemist when she became a strong player in a recurring game including her brother John and based at the family apartment on Park Avenue.
Sherman and her brother John won the Grand National Trophy in 1935 with a score of 67%.
She and Helen Sobel won the "women's Eastern pair championship" three years running, 1943 to 1945.
In 1953 she and three other American women defeated the European Bridge League champion women in an unofficial match at the Regency Club in New York—Helen Sobel, Edith Kemp, and Margaret Wagar.
Sherman died "suddenly" in her home at 14 East 75th Street in Manhattan, at age 61 on April 6, 1965. She was survived by two brothers and by their children.
According to Alan Truscott, a British expatriate who had been New York Times bridge columnist for 15 months at the time of her death in April 1964, "In recent years she became less active in American championships but played successfully in many European tournaments, often in partnership with former World Champion Adam Meredith."
During the month before her death, Sherman and Sally Johnson led the field of women pairs at the ACBL Spring Nationals after three of four sessions but finished third.
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