Spring NABC - Vanderbilt Cup |
La Vanderbilt Cup fu disputata per la prima volta nel 1928 offerta da Harold Sterling Vanderbilt, che poi ebbe modo di vincerla due volte nel 1932 e nel 1940, e che volle istituire per essa uno speciale fondo di 100.000$ ancor oggi amministrato dalla ACBL. Fino al 1957 la Vanderbilt Cup fu disputata a New York come un Campionato separato, ma dal 1958 iniziò a far parte dei tre Campionati ufficiali Nord Americani, in particolare di quello primaverile ("Spring - North American Bridge Championships"). Il recordman della Coppa è Howard Schenken che l'ha vinta ben 10 volte. Alcune altre curiosità legate alla sua storia riguardano la longevità di Oswald Jacoby che la vinse la prima volta nel 1931 e l'ultima nel 1965 o quella di B. Jay Becker che vinse la prima nel 1944 e l'ultima nel 1981, il fatto che Oswald e Jim Jacoby, insieme a B. Jay e Michael Becker, ai francesi Michel e Thomas Bessis e ai danesi Dennis e Morten Bilde ad averla vinta in coppia padre-figlio e che Edith Frielich e Billy Seamon sono gli unici ad averla vinta come coppia sorella-fratello. La Vanderbilt, assieme al Grand National Open Teams, alla Reisinger ed alla Spingold, è uno dei 4 eventi del Grande Slam |
The Vanderbilt is the premier event of the Spring NABC. The history The Vanderbilt Trophy for the Vanderbilt Knockout Teams was donated in 1928 by Harold S. Vanderbilt, who won the event in 1932 and 1940 The Vanderbilt was contested annually in New York —- as a separate championship —- until 1958 when it became part of the Spring North American Championships Vanderbilt winners receive replicas of the trophy —- a practice initiated by Vanderbilt from the first running of the event and perpetuated by a $100,000 trust fund administered by ACBL under the terms of Vanderbilt’s will On display at ACBL Headquarters in Memphis are the Vanderbilt Trophy, as well as replicas donated by the families of Caroline Taylor, who won the Vanderbilt in 1928, and Helen Sobel Smith, a Vanderbilt winner in 1944 and 1945 |
Anno/Year |
Città / Town |
Vincitori / Winners |
Anno/Year |
Città / Town |
Vincitori / Winners |
1928 |
New York |
Ralph Richards, Gratz Scott, Edwin Wetzlar, Wilbur Whitehead a pari merito con Abraham Brown, Mrs. Sidney Lovell, Caroline Taylor, Nils Wester |
1980 |
Fresno |
Russ Arnold, Bobby Levin, Jeff Meckstroth, Bud Reinhold, Eric Rodwell |
1929 |
New York |
Michael Gottlieb, Lee Langdon, Jean Mattheys, Harry Raffel |
1981 |
Detroit |
B. Jay Becker, Michael Becker, Edgar Kaplan, Norman Kay, Ron Rubin |
1930 |
New York |
Ely Culbertson, Josephine Culbertson, Theodore Lightner, Waldemar von Zedtwitz |
1982 |
Niagara |
James Jacoby, Jeff Meckstroth, Mike Passell, Eric Rodwell, George Rosenkranz, Eddie Wold |
1931 |
New York |
David Burnstine, Oswald Jacoby, Willard Karn, P. Hal Sims |
1983 |
Honolulu |
Bill Root, Richard Pavlicek, Norman Kay, Edgar Kaplan |
1932 |
New York |
Waldemar von Zedtwitz, Willard Karn, Harold S. Vanderbilt, P. Hal Sims, |
1984 |
San Antonio |
Chip Martel, Lew Stansby, Hugh Ross, Peter Pender |
1933 |
New York |
Phil Abramsohn, Benjamin Feuer, Francis Rendon, Sydney Rusinow |
1985 |
Montreal |
Eric Rodwell, Jeff Meckstroth, Ron Rubin, Mike Lawrence, Michael Becker, Peter Weichsel |
1934 |
New York |
David Burnstine, Richard Frey, Michael Gottlieb, Oswald Jacoby, Howard Schenken |
1986 |
Portland |
Edgar Kaplan, Norman Kay, Bill Root, Richard Pavlicek |
1935 |
New York |
David Burnstine, Michael Gottlieb, Oswald Jacoby, Howard Schenken, Sherman Stearns |
1987 |
St. Louis |
Peter Pender, Peter Boyd, Lew Stansby, Hugh Ross, Steve Robinson, Chip Martel |
1936 |
New York |
Phil Abramsohn, Irving Epstein, Harry Fishbein, Fred Kaplan |
1988 |
Buffalo |
Eddie Kantar, Alan Sontag, John Mohan, Roger Bates |
1937 |
New York |
David Burnstine, Oswald Jacoby, Merwyn Maier, Howard Schenken, Sherman Stearns |
1989 |
Reno |
Ron Rubin, Michael Becker, Bart Bramley, Robert Levin, Lou Bluhm, Peter Weichsel |
1938 |
New York |
David Burnstine, Oswald Jacoby, Merwyn Maier, Howard Schenken, Sherman Stearns |
1990 |
New York |
Dan Morse, John Sutherlin, Michael Kamil, Ron Gerard, Tom Sanders, Bill Pollack |
1939 |
New York |
Melville Alexander, Sigmund Dornbusch, Syl Gintell, Lee Hazen, Harry Raffel |
1991 |
Atlantic City |
Steve Robinson, Peter Boyd, Kit Woolsey, Ed Manfield |
1940 |
New York |
Edward Hymes Jr., Charles Lochridge, Robert McPherran, Harold S. Vanderbilt, Waldemar von Zedtwitz |
1992 |
Pasadena |
Andy Goodman, John Mohan, Roger Bates, John Schermer, Neil Chambers |
1941 |
New York |
John Crawford, Myron Fuchs, Robert McPherran, Sherman Stearns |
1993 |
Kansas City |
Howard Weinstein, Peter Nagy, Dan Morse, John Sutherlin, Tom Sanders, Russ Arnold |
1942 |
New York |
Lester Bachner, Sigmund Dornbusch, Richard Frey, Lee Hazen, Sam Stayman |
1994 |
Cincinnati |
Seymon Deutsch, Gaylor Kasle, Michael Rosenberg, Zia Mahmood, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby |
1943 |
New York |
Harry Fagin, Harry Fishbein, Fred Kaplan, Alvin Roth, Tobias Stone |
1995 |
Phoenix |
Bill Root, Richard Pavlicek, Michael Polowan, Marc Jacobus |
1944 |
New York |
B. Jay Becker, Charles Goren, Sidney Silodor, Helen Sobel |
1996 |
Philadelphia |
Zia Mahmood, Michael Rosenberg, Seymon Deutsch, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby |
1945 |
New York |
B. Jay Becker, Charles Goren, Sidney Silodor, Helen Sobel |
1997 |
Dallas |
Richard Schwartz, Mark Lair, Steve Robinson, Peter Boyd, Paul Soloway, Bobby Goldman |
1946 |
New York |
John Crawford, Oswald Jacoby, George Rapee, Howard Schenken, Sam Stayman |
1998 |
Reno |
Paul Soloway, Bobby Goldman, Chip Martel, Lew Stansby, Mark Lair, Richard Schwartz |
1947 |
New York |
David Clarren, Harry Feinberg, Harry Fishbein, Larry Hirsch, Joseph Low |
1999 |
Vancouver |
George Jacobs, Ralph Katz, Peter Weichsel, Alan Sontag, Lorenzo Lauria, Alfredo Versace |
1948 |
New York |
Robert Appleyard, Jay T. Feigus, William Lichtenstein, Harry Sonnenblick, Albert Weiss |
2000 |
Cincinnati |
Nick Nickell, Richard Freeman, Jeff Meckstroth, Eric Rodwell, Bob Hamman, Paul Soloway |
1949 |
New York |
Morrie Elis, Harry Fishbein, Lee Hazen, Larry Hirsch, Charles Lochridge |
2001 |
Kansas City |
Adam Zdumzinski, Cezary Balicki, Andrew Gromov, Aleksander Petrunin |
1950 |
New York |
John Crawford, George Rapee, Howard Schenken, Sidney Silodor, Sam Stayman |
2002 |
Houston |
Reese Milner, John Mohan, Sam Lev, Marc Jacobus, Piotr Gawrys, Jacek Pszczola |
1951 |
New York |
B. Jay Becker, John Crawford, George Rapee, Sam Stayman |
2003 |
Philadelphia |
Nick Nickell, Richard Freeman, Bob Hamman, Paul Soloway, Mill Creek, Jeff Meckstroth, Eric Rodwell |
1952 |
New York |
Ned Drucker, Irvin Kass, Sidney Mandell, Milton Moss, Jesse Sloan |
2004 |
Reno |
George Jacobs, Ralph Katz, Alfredo Versace, Lorenzo Lauria, Norberto Bocchi, Giorgio Duboin |
1953 |
New York |
Richard Kahn, Edgar Kaplan, Peter Leventritt, William Lipton, Ruth Sherman |
2005 |
Pittsburgh |
Richard Schwartz, David Berkowitz, Micke Becker, Larry Cohen, Andrea Buratti, Massimo Lanzarotti |
1954 |
New York |
Dr. Kalman Apfel, Francis Begley, Ned Drucker, Sidney Mandell, Milton Moss |
2006 |
Dallas |
Fred Chang, Gunnar Hallberg, Seymon Deutsch, Fu Zhong, Jack Zhao |
1955 |
New York |
B. Jay Becker, John Crawford, George Rapee, Howard Schenken, Sidney Silodor |
2007 |
St. Louis |
Bjorn Fallenius, Antonio Sementa, Christal Henner-Welland, Roy Welland, Adam Zmudzinski, Cezary Balicki |
1956 |
New York |
B. Jay Becker, John Crawford, George Rapee, Howard Schenken, Sidney Silodor |
2008 |
Detroit |
Piotr Walczak, Jerzy Skrzypczak, Boguslaw Gierulski, Krzystof Martens, Krzystof Jassem |
1957 |
New York |
B. Jay Becker, John Crawford, George Rapee, Howard Schenken, Sidney Silodor |
2009 |
Houston |
Ralph Katz, George Jacobs, Walid El Ahmadi, Tarek Sadek, Robert Levin, Steve Weinstein |
1958 |
Atlantic City |
Harry Fishbein, Sam Fry Jr., Leonard Harmon, Lee Hazen, Ivar Stakgold |
2010 |
Reno |
Pierre Zimmerman, Franck Multon, Michel Bessis, Thomas Bessis, Tor Helness, Geir Helgemo |
1959 |
Seattle |
B. Jay Becker, John Crawford, Norman Kay, George Rapee, Sidney Silodor, Tobias Stone |
2011 |
Louisville |
Lew Stansby, Bobby Levin, Mike Kamil, Chip Martel, Steve Weinstein, Martin Fleisher |
1960 |
Jackson |
John Crawford, Norman Kay, Sidney Silodor, Tobias Stone |
2012 |
Memphis |
Les Amoils, Darren Wolpert, Joe Grue, Curtis Cheek, Ishmael Delmonte, Thomas Bessis |
1961 |
Denver |
Charles Coon, Robert Jordan, Eric Murray, Arthur Robinson |
2013 |
St. Louis |
Sabine Auken, Morten Bilde, Roy Welland, Dennis Bilde |
1962 |
St. Louis |
Larry Kolker, Carolyn Levitt, Jerry Levitt, Garrett Nash, George de Runtz |
2014 |
Dallas |
Ralph Katz, Steve Weinstein, Bobby Levin, Eric Rodwell, Jeff Meckstroth, Nick Nickell, Eric Kokish (coach) |
1963 |
Los Angeles |
Harold Harkavy, Edith Kemp, Alvin Roth, Clifford Russell, William Seamon, Albert Weiss |
2015 |
New Orleans |
Norberto Bocchi, Agustin Madala, Zia Mahmood, Giorgio Duboin |
1964 |
Portland |
Bob Hamman, Eddie Kantar, Don Krauss, Peter Leventritt, Lew Mathe, Howard Schenken |
2016 |
Reno |
Agustin Madala, Zia Mahmood, Giorgio Duboin, Diego Brenner, Norberto Bocchi |
1965 |
Cleveland |
Philip Feldesman, John Fisher, James Jacoby, Oswald Jacoby, Ira Rubin, Albert Weiss |
2017 | Kansas City | Jeff meckstroth, Steve Weinstein, Nick Nickell, Ralph Katz, Robert Levin, Eric Rdwell, Eric Kokish (coach) |
1966 |
Louisville |
Philip Feldesman, Bob Hamman, Sami Kehela, Lew Mathe, Ira Rubin |
2018 |
Philadelphia |
Brad Moss, Joe Grue, Eric Greco, Martin Fleisher, Chip Martel, Geoff Hampson |
1967 |
Seattle |
James Jacoby, Mike Lawrence, Lew Mathe, Bobby Nail, Ron Von der Porten, Lew Stansby |
2019 |
Memphis |
Jeff Wolfson, Alexander Hydes, Peter Crouch, Michael Kamil, Michael Becker, Steve Garner |
1968 |
New York |
Bobby Jordan, Edgar Kaplan, Norman Kay, Arthur Robinson, Bill Root, Alvin Roth |
2020 |
Columbus |
cancelled for pandemic |
1969 |
Cleveland |
Gerald Hallee, Paul Soloway, John Swanson, Richard Walsh |
2021 | St. Louis |
cancelled for pandemic |
1970 |
Portland |
Edgar Kaplan, Norman Kay, Sami Kehela, Sidney Lazard, Eric Murray, George Rapee |
2022 | Reno | Andrew Rosenthal, Boye Brogeland Aaron Silverstein, Chris Willenken, Christian Bakke, Jan Jansma |
1971 |
Atlanta |
Bill Eisenberg, Bobby Goldman, Bob Hamman, Jim Jacoby, Mike Lawrence, Bobby Wolff |
2023 | New Orleans | Joe Grue, David Gold, Steve Garner, Brad Moss, Jeffrey Wolfson, Zia Mahmood |
1972 |
Cincinnati |
Steven Altman, Eugene Neiger, Thomas Smith, Alan Sontag, Joel Stuart, Peter Weichsel |
2024 | Louisville | Nick Nickell, Jill Levin, Steve Weinstein, Geoff Hampson, Robert Levin, ralph Katz, Eric Greco |
1973 |
St. Louis |
Mark Blumenthal, Bobby Goldman, Bob Hamman, Mike Lawrence, Bobby Wolff |
2025 | ||
1974 |
Honolulur |
David Crossley, Robert Crossley, Eric Kokish, Joey Silver |
1975 |
Vancouver |
Roger Bates, Larry Cohen, Dr. Richard Katz, John Mohan, George Rosenkranz |
1976 |
Kansas City |
Roger Bates, Larry Cohen, Dr. Richard Katz, John Mohan, George Rosenkranz |
1977 |
Pasadena |
Mike Becker, Mark Blumenthal, Fred Hamilton, Mike Lawrence, Ron Rubin, John Swanson |
1978 |
Houston |
Malcolm Brachman, Bobby Goldman, Eddie Kantar, Billy Eisenberg, Mike Passell, Paul Soloway |
1979 |
Norfolk |
Lou Bluhm, Richard Freeman, Mark Lair, Cliff Russell, Tom Sanders, Eddie Wold |