Krzysztof SIKORSKI |
Krzysztof Sikorski č nato a Poznań il 5 novembre del 1947 ed oggi vive a Gdynia una cittą rivierasca non lontana da Danzica.
Ha frequentato il liceo Ogólnokształcace di Rumia e l'universitą Panstwowa Szkola Morska di Gdynia ed ha lavorata presso le Linee Oceaniche Polacche, l'IMS Polonia e la Emeryt.
Sposato, ha una figlia di nome Agnese.
Ha fatto parte della nazionale senior polacca ed ha vinto l'argento ai Campionati Europei Senior a Squadre del 2004.
Sikorski was born in Poznań on November 5, 1947 and today lives in Gdynia a
seaside city not far from Gdansk.
He attended the Ogólnokształcace high school in Rumija and the Panstwowa Szkola Morska university in Gdynia and worked at Polish Ocean Lines, IMS Poland and Emeryt.
Married, she has a daughter named Agnes.
He was part of the Polish senior national team and won silver at 2004 European Senior Teams Championships.
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