Sidney SILODOR |
Sidney Silodor nacque nel 1906 ad Havertown in Pennsylvania, fu avvocato, commentatore, scrittore e insegnante di bridge.
Al suo tempo è stato uno dei più forti giocatori del mondo vincendo la prima edizione della Bermuda Bowl nel 1950 e in altri numerosi titoli tra i quali ricordiamo sul piano nazionale: 3 Spingold, 6 Reisinger, 8 Vanderbilt, 3 Mitchell.
Suo compagno di tante vittorie, fu un altro grande del bridge USA: Norman Kay.
Sidney scrisse molti articoli per Bridge World ed alcuni libri di notevole successo.
Al momento della sua morte avvenuta a Dallas il 4 agosto del 1963 a causa di un tumore al cervello, era Membro del Board della ACBL dopo essere stato stato uno dei 9 membri iniziali della prestigiosa Hall of Fame.
Viene ricordato dal Sydney Silodor Trophy che ogni anno premia i vincitori dell'Open Pair I agli Spring NABC's che lui stesso vinse nel 1963.
Suo figlio Jerry (scomparso nel 2016) che viveva a Boca Raton in Florida e sua moglie Francine erano entrambi buoni giocatori (foto a dx).
Silodor (1906 - 1963)
of Havertown PA trained as a
lawyer, but happily for the game of bridge he was also a lecturer, writer and
instructor in addition to being one of the world’s top players in that era.
Silodor was a member of the North American team that won the world championship
in the first Bermuda Bowl in 1950.
He got three more shots at the world championship by representing North America in the Bermuda Bowl in 1958 and 1961 and in the Olympiad in 1960.
Silodor wrote a newspaper column and many articles for The Bridge World magazine. His books included Silodor Says, Contract Bridge According to Silodor and Tierney and The Complete Book of Duplicate Bridge.
At the time of his death in 1963, Silodor (who was also a member of the ACBL Board of Directors) was the holder of the Open Pairs title.
The current NABC contest Open Pairs
I is named in Silodor’s honor.Silodor’s talent as a player was well established by his victories in 31 national-level contests which included six Reisinger wins, three in the Spingold and eight in the Vanderbilt.
A winner of the McKenney (now the Barry Crane Top 500) race, Silodor was one of the early lifetime leaders in number of masterpoints earned.
His son Jerry (disappeared in 2016) lived in Boca Raton with his wife's Francine, was both good bridge players.
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