Maurice SUPER |
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Maurice Super è nato a Johannesburg il 17 ottobre del 1936 ed è stato un genetista pediatrico che si è laureato in medicina pediatrica nella città natia alla Witwatersrand University.
Più tardi, fu l'unico pediatra di tutta la Namibia e si interessò alla genetica per combattere la fibrosi cistica che lì era endemica e si trasferì in Scozia dove guadagnò un Master in genetica all'Università di Edimburgo per poi nel 1979 stabilirsi come consulente genetista presso il Royal Manchester Children's Hospital di Manchester.
Sposato con Anne ha avuto tre figli: Michael, Jonathan e Beth.
Super non era solo un valente bridgista di circolo, uomo dai multiformi interessi nelle sue varie età si dilettò con la musica, con il tennis,con il cricket e con il birdwatching. Scrupoloso ebraista fu anche un valente risolutore di cruciverba.
Nel campo del bridge è stato redattore delle newsletter e segretario delle gare della MCBA.
Scomparve dopo una lunga malattia a Manchester l'1 novembre del 2006.
Maurice Super was born in
Johannesburg on October 17, 1936 and was a paediatric geneticist who graduated in
paediatric medicine in his hometown from Witwatersrand University.
Later, he was the only paediatrician in all of Namibia and became interested in genetics to combat cystic fibrosis which was endemic there and moved to Scotland where he earned a Masters in Genetics from the University of Edinburgh and then in 1979 established himself as a geneticist consultant. at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital in Manchester.
He married to Anne he had three children: Michael, Jonathan and Beth.
Super was not only a talented club bridge player, a man with many interests in his various ages, he dabbled in music, tennis, cricket and bird watching. He was a scrupulous Judaist and he was also a talented solver of crosswords.
In the field of bridge he was the editor of the newsletters and secretary of the races of the MCBA.
He passed away after a long illness in Manchester on 1 November 2006.
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