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 Geza Szappanos č nato nel 1964 ed č stato il Direttore Generale  del "National Office of Translation and Attestations", Presidente della Federazione Ungherese e, a pių riprese, membro del Comitato Esecutivo EBL.

 Divorziato con un figlio, come giocatore ha vinto diversi titoli nazionali ed ha fatto parte pių volte della nazionale magiara e di quella seniores con cui ha vinto l'oro ai World Bridge Series del 2012.

 Senior World Life Master, nel 2010 ha ricevuto la medaglia di bronzo della Federazione Europea.


  Geza Szappanos was born in 1964 and was the General Director of the "National Office of Translation and Attestations", President of the Hungarian Federation and, on several occasions, a member of the EBL Executive Committee.

Divorced with a son, as a player he has won several national titles and has been part of the Hungarian and senior national team several times with which he won gold at the 2012 World Bridge Series.

Senior World Life Master in 2010 he received the bronze medal of the European Federation.

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