Jeremy WILLANS |
Jeremy Willans è nato nel Kent nel 1959 ha iniziato a giocare a 16 anni sotto la guida del nonno Lundie Rees che gestiva un club nel Somerset.
Agente di cambio ha lasciato la carriera per dedicarsi al golf e al bridge.
Oltre a diversi titoli regionali e nazionali, ha vinto 6 volte la Coppa Tollemache (1990, 1997, 2008, 2009, 2018 e 2021) e la Coppa Pachabo nel 2010.
Jeremy Willans was born in Kent
in 1959 and began playing at the age of 16 under the guidance of his grandfather
Lundie Rees who ran a club in
Stockbroker he left his career to devote himself to golf and bridge.
In addition to several regional and national titles, he has won the Tollemache Cup 6 times (1990, 1997, 2008, 2009, 2018 and 2021) and the Pachabo Cup in 2010.
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