Chen YEH |
Nato l'11 dicembre del 1948 a Formosa (oggi Taiwan o China Taipei), si è laureato in architettura e si è impegnato nel mobilificio di famiglia e per trovare abbondante materia prima iniziò a recarsi molto spesso in Indonesia.
Nel periodo Universitario conobbe e si innamorò del Bridge e alla fine del secolo scorso, lasciò la cura della sua compagnia ai due figli e si dedicò a tempo pieno al bridge, sponsorizzando squadre professioniste e giocando non meno di 50 boards al giorno.
Sostenitore anche della sua Federazione e di quella Mondiale, ha fondato la famosa Yeh Brothers Cup, un evento biennale ad inviti che si svolge in vari continenti e che, per ricchezza di premi, è secondo solo al Cavendish.
Come giocatore è un World Life Master che ha conquistato diversi importanti piazzamenti ed ha vinto il Transnazionale Mondiale Misto a Squadre del 2008, arrivando terzo nel Transazionale Open del 2015.
Fervente sostenitore del sistema naturale, soprattutto per motivi connessi con la promozione del gioco tra le masse, ha a lungo pensato di renderne obbligatoria l'adozione alla Yeh Cup.
Chen Yeh He was born at Shanghai China 1948, 11 December and now lives on the
island of Formosa (Taiwan), better known as Chinese Taipei.
He graduated in architecture. During his university years, he learnt to play Bridge. Immediately after, Mr. Chen decided to join his family business in manufacturing wooden furniture. He frequently traveled to Indonesia for work.
Around the turn of the century, Mr. Yeh decided that his two
sons were ready to take over their father’s job as executives of the Yeh
Brothers’ trading company. In the following years, as a consequence, Mr. Yeh had
more time available to dedicate to his lifetime passion: playing Bridge.
Since then, he has been playing at least 50 boards per day. He has formed a team
of professional players which attends many events all over the world. In 2008,
Mr Yeh became a World Champion by winning the 1st World Mind Sports in Beijing
(Transnational Teams). In 2015, besides, he reached the third position in
Transnational Open Teams.
Besides being a Bridge Champion, Mr. Yeh is also a Bridge Mecenate. He instituted the Yeh Bros Cup, the invitational biennial event attended by the strongest teams in the world and enhanced by one of the highest prize pools ever. The Yeh Bros Cup has taken place in China (five times), in Taiwan (twice) and in Australia (once). The next edition will be played in Japan.
As Bridge player, Mr.Yeh prefers to play bidding systems as natural as possible. He strongly criticizes the modern bidding gadgets, especially the relay systems used in various parts of the world. He would say: if you bid like that, neither the average public nor many of the commentators will fully understand what is going on. Bridge should also be a game for spectators and public interest but as it is nowadays, public interest is decreasing because the experts’ game is no longer understood.
As a consequence of his views, Mr.Yeh is even thinking about system restrictions for the future participants in the Yeh Brothers’ Cup. Each team should play according to a prescribed, simple natural system unless both teams at a table agree to both play “their own system.”