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 Timothy Bourke è nato il 14 aprile del 1969, è laureato in matematica e vive a Canberra.

 Giocatore di pregio, pluricampione australiano, è stato soprattutto un apprezzato collaboratore di diverse delle principali riviste specializzate australiane, statunitensi e di altri Paesi.

 Curatore dei Bollettini giornalieri delle principali gare australiane è anche un esperto di programmazione APL.

 Della sua collezione di libri e riviste di bridge in lingua inglese comprendente oltre 5000 pezzi che è considerata la più completa al mondo, ha fatto nel 2008 dono alla Biblioteca di Stato.

 La moglie Margaret Bourke, scomparsa il 6 agosto 2021 è stata impegnata in campo finanziario ed è stata anche lei una bridgista di livello internazionale.

 Nata a Canberra nel 1945, completò gli studi a Melbourne dove conobbe il bridge e Tim con cui si trasferì nella capitale, diventando fin dal 1973 una rappresentante della nazionale femminile australiana.

 Dopo il pensionamento Margaret fu coinvolta per molti anni nell'amministrazione federale.

Tim Bourke is an Australian bridge author, player, and internationally-renowned collector and composer of bridge hands (indeed he has composed most of the hands in David Bird's "Abbot" series since 1996).

He also owns one of the world's largest collections of Bridge books, magazines and memorabilia in English.

As an author, Bourke has written many books in collaboration with other bridge champion.

He has also contributed articles to "The Bridge World", "Bridge Magazine", "Irish Bridge", "New Zealand Bridge" and, of course, to "Australian Bridge".

He has provided articles to many Daily Bulletins of late, mostly as daily in a "Test Your Play" format.

As a player, he has won nine Australian national titles.

He has a degree in mathematics and he lives in Canberra,

He has had published over 50 reports on Australian and Zone 7 Teams Championships Finals.

He is an expert in the obscure computer programming language APL and has written extensive Bridge odds-calculating routines in that language as well as many Bridge-related formatting routines.

He is currently helping Anthony Moon in his multi-book project on Bridge squeezes.

In 2010, he and his co-author John Sugden published their book "Bridge Books in English 1886 to 2010".

His wife Margaret Bourke, who passed away in August 2021, was involved in the financial field and was also a bridge player of international level.

She was born in Canberra in 1945, she completed her studies in Melbourne where she met bridge and she met Tim with whom she lived in the capital, becoming a representative of the Australian women's national team since 1973.

After her retirement Margaret was involved in the federal administration for many years.

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