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Donna & Chris  COMPTON


 Donna Compton è nata il 20 Novembre 1967 a Danville in Virginia, ha studiato legge all'Università del Texas di Austin, si è laureata in quella dell'Oklahoma ed ha praticato la professione di avvocato per diversi anni prima di tornare a occuparsi di Bridge a tempo pieno nel 2001.

 Sposata con Chris, un'altro professionista del bridge, vive a Dallas. La coppia ha due figlie Morgan e Taylor che, nemmeno a dirlo, sono un'attrazione per i circoli di bridge di Dallas.

 Oggi è una rinomata direttrice di torneo ed è sempre presente nelle manifestazione sportive più importanti.

 Come giocatrice è una specialista del Misto ed una World Life Master che fin dal 1975 ha mietuto interessanti risultati culminati con la vittoria del Campionato del Mondo a Coppie Miste nel 2010.

 I suoi risultati migliori li ha ottenuti come Capitano non Giocatore avendo guidato al bronzo la Nazionale Universitaria alle Olimpiadi del  2004, quella Senior al bronzo nel 2007 e all'argento nel 2011, ed infine, all'oro la Nazionale Statunitense nella Bermuda Bowl 2009. La Compton è stata anche il capitano delle tre edizioni fi qui disputate della Warren Buffet Cup, vincendola tre volte su quattro.

 Donna è anche l'editrice del Bollettino Regionale del Texas e di quello del Cavendish ed ha guidato come capitano non giocatore la nazionale USA alla conquista dell'argento nella Senior Bowl del 2013, poi divenuto oro a causa della squalifica della squadra Tedesca.

Ma l'attività nella quale Donna ha maggior successo è quella di insegnante dove ha guadagnato il titolo di Master.


Chris Compton è nato il 12 gennaio 1961, si è diplomato in Storia all'Università di Houston e in Legge in quella del Texas.

Chris lavora da Avvocato part time perché è un professionista di bridge fin da quando aveva 17 anni e lavorava per la ACBL.

Sposato con un'altra famosa bridgista Donna Compton, hanno vissuto a Dallas con le loro due figlie prima di trasferirsi nel Kansas.

Oggi è un World International Master ed un ACBL Gran Life Master, che è arrivato due volte quarto ai Campionati del Mondo a coppie e che, assieme a diversi altri piazzamenti, ha conquistato 5 NABC tra cui la Reisinger del 1989 ed il Jacoby del 2008.

Chris, che ama molto giocare Bridge Rubber al famoso TGR's di New York è anche l'autore del manuale del Sistema 2 su 1 usato dagli insegnanti del Texas.

 Infine, è stato Presidente della United States Bridge Federation nel 2004 e nel 2011 e nel 2013 ha vinto il Barry Crane Top 500.

  Donna Compton has been married to her husband, Chris Compton, with whom she shares two daughters, Morgan & Taylor.  

When not playing bridge, Donna enjoys spending time with her family at the lake and traveling the world.

Donna worked as a tournament director and bridge professional throughout her college years.  

She graduated from law school in 1996 and  practiced law for several years before returning to her previous bridge career full time in 2001.

Donna is the reigning World Mixed Champion and a WBF World Life Master.  She began playing competitive bridge in 1975 with successes at the national and international level; including winning the 2003 Chicago Trophy Mixed Teams at the Long Beach, CA NABC and the 2010 World Mixed Pairs in Philadelphia, PA.  
Donna was awarded the Journalist Award for the 2005 Defensive Hand of the Year while in Estoril Portugal.  

She is currently publishing the Houston Regional Daily Bulletin, and the Cavendish Daily Bulletin.
Donna was awarded the rank of Master Teacher by the American Bridge Teachers' Association in 2007. This prestigious award is given out to those who exemplify superior teaching ability.  Donna is a member of the ACBL National Good Will Committee and is an ACBL Tournament Director.
Donna's ventures as non-playing captain have taken her all over the world. Most recently, her team won the Silver Medal in the 2010 Rosenblum Cup in Philadelphia, PA.  In 2009, her team won the Bermuda Bowl trophy in Sao Paulo, Brazil!  The Bermuda Bowl is on display at BAND.  These are much better endings than three years ago she spent the entire month of October in Beijing, China as the Captain of the Open USA team.  Unfortunately, her team lost in the Round of 16 but it was a fabulous visit to China in the end.  
Every two years she captains Team USA in Buffett Cup Challenge Match between the United States and Europe. Her team was victorious three times of four.  Donna's other experiences as Non-Playing Captain of the 2007 Senior Team took her to Shanghai, China and her team won the Bronze Medal. In 2004 she visited Istanbul, Turkey as the NPC of the United States University Team where her team won the Bronze Medal.  

In 2013 she has led how non playing Capitan the National USA at the silver medal in 2013 Senior Bowl, later it became gold because of disqualification of the German team.

 Chris Compton was born January 12, 1961 and he has a B.A. in History from the University of Houston and a J. D. from the University of Texas School of Law.

Chris presently plays professionally while performing a modicum of legal services.

Donna and Chris live in Dallas with two daughters before move to Kansas.

Chris began playing Bridge professionally in the ACBL at the age of 17. He is a World Grand Master and an ACBL Grand Life Master with over 20,000 ACBL masterpoints.

While representing the United States, Chris placed 4th in the 1986 World Open Pairs in Miami, Florida (at the age of 26) and again placed 4th in the 1998 World Open Pairs in Lille, France. Chris continues to represents the USA in international invitational events on a regular basis.

In the US, Chris  won the 1989 Reisinger Board A Match Teams at the Lancaster NABC and the 2007 Jacoby Open Swiss in Detroit finished 2nd in both the 1986 and 2005 Vanderbilt Knockout Teams. Chris has at least 3 additional NABC 2nd place finishes, and no less than 6 semi-final appearances in Vanderbilts and Spingolds.

Playing in a series of Bridge Pro Tour individuals during the year 2003, Chris won $16,400 and remains the BPT all-time winning money leader.

Chris enjoys playing high stakes rubber-bridge at TGR’s Bridge Club in London and the Cavendish Bridge Club in New York.

He has authored the teacher manual for 2/1 Texas Style and offers this class periodically at the Bridge Academy of North Dallas. Chris often serves as a volunteer lecturer at ACBL Regional's and Nationals.

Chris served as President of the United States Bridge Federation in 2004 and is presently 1st alternate to District 16 of the American Contract Bridge League and in 2011 and 2013 he won the Barry Crane Top 500.


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