Alfred Maximilian Gruenther (Platte Center, 3 marzo 1889 – Washington, 30 maggio 1983) è stato un generale statunitense.
Gruenther nacque a Platte Center nel Nebraska e frequentò la St. Thomas Academy a Saint Paul, nel Minnesota, diplomandosi nel 1918 presso la United States Military Academy. Egli prestò servizio nello staff della III, V e XV armata oltre che a ricoprire il ruolo di uno dei principali pianificatori dell'invasione americana del Nord Africa nel 1942 e dell'Italia nel 1943.
Dopo la seconda guerra mondiale egli divenne deputato comandante delle forze statunitensi in Austria nel 1945 per poi essere nominato supremo comandante delle forze alleate in Europa nel 1953, rimanendo in servizio sino al proprio ritiro dall'esercito nel 1956. Egli apparve sulla copertina del Time, il 6 febbraio 1956.
Dopo essersi ritirato dall'esercito, fu presidente della Croce Rossa americana dal 1957 al 1964 e membro del Draper Committee, apparendo persino il 10 febbraio del 1957 al famoso quiz show What's My Line.
Negli anni '30 fu il più famoso Direttore di Torneo del mondo e arbitrò scontri storici come la Battaglia del Secolo e la Battaglia dei Giganti.
Morì a Washington il 30 maggio 1983 alla veneranda età di 94 anni.
Alfred Maximilian Gruenther (March 3, 1899 – May 30, 1983) as a four-star
General after World War II, served as the Supreme Allied Commander (SACEUR) in
Europe from 1953 to 1956.
Gruenther was born in Platte Center, Nebraska. He attended St. Thomas Academy in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He graduated fourth in his class at the United States Military Academy in 1918. He was the youngest four-star general in U.S. history, advisor and planner to top generals in World War II. He served as chief of staff of the Third Army, Fifth Army, 15th Army Group, and was the principal American planner of the allied invasions of North Africa in 1942 and Italy in 1943. He is sometimes credited to be the youngest major general in the U.S. Army in World War II, but that distinction goes to James Gavin, who, as commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, was promoted to major general at the age of 37. Gruenther was promoted to the temporary rank of major general at the age of 43 or 44.
After World War II, he became deputy commander of U.S. forces in Austria in 1945, and was appointed supreme allied commander in Europe/commander-in-chief of the U.S. European Command in 1953, serving in that capacity until his retirement in 1956. He appeared on the cover of Time, February 6, 1956. General Gruenther retired from military service in 1956.
After retiring from the Army, he served as president of
American Red Cross from 1957 to 1964 and was a member of the Draper Committee,
even appearing as a guest on February 10, 1957's successful TV quiz show What's
My Line. Gruenther received a Litt.D. from Bates College in 1958.
Gruenther was the recipient of many nations' medals, including the Distinguished
Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters[1] and honorary degrees from American
In the 30s was the most famous Tournament Director and referee of the world historical battles such as the Battle of the Century and the Battle of the Giants.
Alfred Maximilian Gruenther (* 3.
März 1899 in Platte Center, Nebraska; † 30. Mai 1983 in Washington, D.C.) war
ein General der US Army, dritter Supreme Allied Commander Europe der NATO und
Kommandeur des US European Command von 1953 bis 1956.
Gruenther besuchte die Saint Thomas Academy in Mendota
Heights, Minnesota und graduierte 1917 als Vierter seiner Klasse an der US
Military Academy in West Point.
Zwischen 1941 und 1953 diente Gruenther als Stabschef der 3. US-Armee, der 5.
US-Armee, der 15. US-Armee, sowie im Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
(SHAPE). Als Schützling von General Dwight D. Eisenhower war Gruenther während
des Zweiten Weltkrieges als Chefplaner der Alliierten Invasion von Nordafrika
(Operation Torch) im Jahre 1942 eingesetzt. Danach war er wiederum an den
Planungen zur Invasion Italiens 1943 beteiligt.
Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Gruenther 1945
stellvertretender Kommandierender General der US-Truppen in Österreich. Am 11.
Juli 1953 übernahm er dann das Kommando NATO-Oberkommando Europa als dritter
Supreme Allied Commander Europe und zugleich auch die in Europa stationierten
US-Truppen als Kommandeur des US European Command. Nach drei Jahren, am 20.
November 1956, übergab Gruenther das Kommando an Lauris Norstad und ging in den
Ruhestand. Dieser Ruhestand bedeutete aber nur seine Pensionierung vom Militär,
denn 1957 wurde er zum Präsidenten des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes bestimmt.
Diese Position hatte er bis 1964 inne.
Alfred Maximilian Gruenther starb am 30. Mai 1983 in Washington (D.C.) und ist
mit seiner Frau Grace E. Gruenther (23. November 1897 - 18. Mai 1979) auf dem
Nationalfriedhof Arlington begraben.
In den 30er Jahren war der berühmteste Turnier Direktor und Schiedsrichter der Welt historische Schlachten wie die Schlacht des Jahrhunderts und der Kampf der Giganten.
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