Johannes Maximilian (Max) Rebattu (December 2, 1939, Amsterdam) is a famous Dutch bridge and Go player.
In 1963 and 1964 he won the Junior Pairs Championship Cees St. He also won numerous Country Championships at St. with the foursome, a total of fifteen national bridge titles.
Later he played with Carol van Oppen. Bridge pairs at the World Cup in 1982 in Biarritz, he and his partner initially proclaimed world champion, but later there appeared an input error made in the computer, which then was used for the first time. The place was half.
After Kreijns to Hans and Anton Maas Rebattu the seventh person on the Dutch list of Master Points.
He is also a strong chess player, including children who had been champion of Amsterdam and military champion.
Not well known that Rebattu also one of strongest Dutch players go (fifth dan), even the strongest one time: six times Dutch champion (1963, '65, '68, '70, '75 and '76 - a total thirteen years undefeated, because when there was not a championship held every year) and twice European champion shared.
He wrote a number of years a bridge column in Elsevier Magazine and the Telegraph as well as a go-heading Elsevier.