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 Robert  RICHMAN


 Robert Alan "Bobby" Richman è nato il 30 giugno del 1949 ed è scomparso il 7 giungo del 2013 a Hong Kong mentre disputava con la squadra Seniores australiana i 49i Campionati del Pacifico.

 Bobby è stato uno dei migliori giocatori australiani del suo tempo. Dopo le scuole superiori si trasferì a Cleveland e cominciò a studiare cinese alla locale università e fu per motivi legati a questo studio che si trasferì per un anno a Melbourne.

 Questo soggiorno lo convinse a trasferirsi in Australia, cosa che fece dopo qualche tempo stabilendosi a Sydney ma passando molto del suo tempo anche a Melbourne.

 Sposato con Deb Guthrie (nella foto), World International Master è stato in testa alla classifica australiana per master point ed ha vinto la medaglia di bronzo nella Bermuda Bowl del 1979 conquistando pure l'argento nel World International Pairs Masters di Verona nel 2006.

 Vincitore di una serie impressionante di titoli nazionali, Bobby che è anche stato capitano di alcune nazionali australiane, oltre che di bridge era un grande appassionato di cinema ed un discreto ballerino.

Viene ricordato nella principale gara a coppie del Gold Coast.

Bobby was born in 1949 and disappeared in Hong Kong in 2013, 7 June during the 49th Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships.

He first came to bridge prominence in the 1970s in Melbourne, and became a bridge professional before that line of work was fashionable. His style was to bid a lot, then in the card play he had the ability to visualize the only card to make or break a contract.

His biggest success representing Australia was to finish third in the 1979 World Championships behind the Italians and Americans - as high as Australia has ever come.

One of his many purple patches was in 2008. In September in the Pacific Asia Senior Teams at the Gold Coast he won the semi final from New Zealand by 123 IMPs then won the Grand Final from Thailand by 88 IMPs. In the October Spring National Open Teams Bobby won the event after his opponents conceded the semi-final when 115 IMPs behind and in the Spring Nationals Seniors Teams Bobby won again, his opponents conceding the Grand Final when down 88 IMPs. Then in the November GNOT he recorded another win with the opponents conceding the Grand Final down 96 IMPs.

Apart from bridge Bobby also had a passion for movies, to which he and his wifw Deb went frequently. Perhaps not known by all his friends, Bobby was an excellent swimmer, and an accomplished ballroom dancer. He also liked to dine out, which he often did, with various groups of friends. Bobby’s incredible sense of humor, invariably self-deprecating, was never-ending. He was highly intelligent, and could keep his company enthralled for hours with his anecdotes and stories.

He is remembered in the main Gold Coast pairs event.

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