Aaron Silverstein è nato nel 1967 ed è un famoso giocatore ed insegnante newyorkese che ha diretto diversi bridge club ed è comproprietario della Bridge School of Long Island e dell'Aces Bridge Club.
Sposato con la nota bridgista Gennifer Binder, hanno una figlia Avery che si sta interessando anche lei al bridge.
Vincitore di tre NABC tra i quali spicca la Vanderbilt del 2022 e di diversi altri tornei regionali è un ACBL Grand Life Master che ha fatto parte del National Appeals Committee e del National Laws Commission oltre che del Board of Directors della Greater New York Bridge Association.
Aaron Silverstein
is a well-known and popular New York area bridge teacher and player.
He has managed, directed and played in numerous New York bridge clubs for the past 15 years.
Aaron has won numerous tournaments at the national, international, regional and local level, most recently winning the Vanderbilt 2022.
He is a National Champion with over 20 years experience teaching bridge both privately and in classroom settings. He is a Grand Life Master with over 20,000 master points.
He has been a certified director since 1987. Aaron is also on the National Appeals Committee and the National Laws Commission of the American Contract Bridge League and on the Board of Directors for the Greater New York Bridge Association.
Aaron is married to Gennifer Binder, also a bridge player, with whom daughter, Avery, a bridge player in the making.
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