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Thomas McAdoo Smith è nato il 13 gennaio del 1938 ed è stato uno dei 5 migliori giocatori del circuito nord americano negli anni '70.
Oltre che buon giocatore, Thomas è stato insegnante, giornalista, editore e Club Manager.
Fu uno dei 5 membri della squadra creata da Wei per promuovere il suo Precision System e nel suo Palmares figurano tra l'altro: due Spingold (1970 e 1971) ed una Vanderbilt (1972).
Assieme a Mike Moss fondarono nel 1975 il Cavendish Invitational Pairs e fece parte del team che realizzo la seconda edizione della Enciclopedia del Bridge.
Quando nel 1972 l'ACBL spostò il suo quartier generale da Greenwich a Memphis, Tom divenne il manager del Cavendish Club di Manhattan.
Tom si è spento nella sua casa di Bennington nel Vermont il 15 novembre del 2010 e nel 2016 è stato eletto nella Hall of Fame del bridge americano.
One of the five original “Precision Team” members that dominated North American contests in the early Seventies, died 2010 Nov. 15 in his hometown of Bennington VT.
As well as being a top level player and teacher, Smith was a publisher, journalist, editor and club manager.
Smith won the Spingold Knockout Teams in 1970 and 1971 and Vanderbilt Knockout Teams in 1972 playing with a rotating cast of teammates that included Steve Altman, Eugene Neiger, Alan Sontag, David Strasberg, Joel Stuart and Peter Weichsel.
The squad was organized by Precision Club advocate C.C. Wei to promote his system.
Smith had four second-place finishes in NABC events and was also runner-up in the 1972 and 1973 London Sunday Times Invitational Pairs playing with different partners.
Smith and Mike Moss co-founded the Cavendish Invitational Pairs in 1975. This annual event, still held, is the largest cash prize bridge tournament in the world, and attracts the finest players from around the world.
Smith began his bridge journalism career in the mid-Sixties as the managing editor of the Bridge Bulletin as well as the second edition of the Official Encyclopedia of Bridge.
When the ACBL moved to Memphis from Greenwich CT in 1972, Smith went to work for the Cavendish Club, the venerable rubber bridge club in New York City, as its manager.
It was there that the Cavendish Invitational Pairs was established and played until the club closed in the early Nineties.
Smith was also editor of the nationally syndicated Goren bridge column and The Post-Mortem, the official publication of the Greater New York Bridge Association.
Smith served as GNYBA secretary for decades and in 2016 he has inducted in Hall of Fame.
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