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Valerie ha iniziato a giocare a bridge alle superiori e dopo la fine degli studi ha aperto un circolo/scuola di bridge.
Quando si è sposata con Jeff, un altro noto bridgista americano scomparso nel 2014, ha smesso di giocare e si è presa un paio di lauree in matematica e psicologia.
Si è dedicata poi al backgammon a livello professionistico passando le estati nel tour dei grandi Tornei Internazionali europei.
Ha poi lavorato brevemente come agente di cambio, ma appena imparato il mestiere ha deciso di ritirarsi e di dedicarsi a promuovere solo i suoi investimenti.
Dopo tantissimi anni ha ripreso a giocare con una partner di gioventù che nel frattempo era diventata una campionessa ed ha ben presto vinto diversi titoli nazionali tra cui il Whitehead del 1998 e gli Sternberg del 2001 e del 2002. Inoltre, ha agguantato la medaglia d'argento nella McConnell Cup del 2002.
Si è poi legata in partnership con Disa Eythorsdottir cumulando alcune vittorie e piazzamenti nei Campionati Nazionali.
I suoi hobbies attuali sono il Sudoku, le parole crociate e la lettura.
Valerie started playing bridge in college and became
addicted then.
After college, she opened a bridge club & school, for several years.
When she got married with Jeff an other well-know bridge player death in 2014, she stopped playing bridge for many years and went back to school to get advanced degrees in Psychology & Mathematics.
She then spent many years as a professional backgammon player.
She would spend the summers, from June through September, making the European tour of tournaments, starting in London, Monte Carlo, Deauville, & ending in Biarritz.
She tired of that, of all the traveling, and started trading. Initially she had a seat on the exchange & was a gold trader, but then decided to work from home. She still trade, but only for myself. She do not like losing other people's money.
After a very long hiatus, she started playing bridge again.
She played with Judi Radin. They had played for several years together when they were much younger. They did OK: they won several National Championships plus a Silver Medal at the World Championships in Montreal.
She then started playing with Disa (Hjordis Eythorsdottir), who is my present partner. They have done well together: we won 4 National Championships, with several 2nds.
Valerie also run the Juniors BBO Program for Younger 26 and under on BBO.
When she is not playing bridge she likes to do crossword puzzles, Sudoku and read.
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