Charles Anderson Worsley Anderson-Pelham secondo conte di Yarborough, nacque il 12 aprile del 1809 e dal 1846 fu signore della Contea di Yarborough e rappresentò la costituente a Newport nell'isola di Wight.
Il suo nome è noto a ogni bridgista del mondo in quanto fu l'autore della celebre scommessa una sterlina contro 1000, che era solito proporre ad ogni membro del suo club.
Il nobile membro avrebbe ricompensato chiunque avesse pagato una sterlina per ogni mano di Whist ricevuta, con 1000 sterline se gli fossero capitate 13 carte senza onori (carte dal 2 al 9).
L'astuto conte scomparve il 7 gennaio del 1862 e pare che non abbia mai dovuto pagare le 1000 sterline.
Charles Anderson Worsley Anderson-Pelham Second Count of Yarborough, was born on
April 12, 1809, and from 1846 he was Lord of Yarborough County and represented
the constituent in Newport on the island of Wight.
His name is known to every bridge player in the world as he was the author of the famous bet one pound versus 1000, which he used to propose to every member of his club.
The noble member would reward anyone who had paid a pound for each Whist hand received, with £ 1000 if they had 13 cards not honored (cards from 2 to 9).
The shrewd lord disappeared on January 7, 1862, and it seems he has never had to pay the £ 1000.