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Jiang  ZEMIN


 Jang Zemin è nato il 17 agosto del 1926 a Yangzhou una città della provincia dello Jiangsu nella estremità est della Cina centrale ed è stato un eminente uomo politico cinese che si è laureato nell'Università Jiao Tong di Shanghai.

 Segretario Generale del Partito Comunista cinese dal 24 giugno del 1989 al 15 novembre del 2002 e Presidente della Repubblica Popolare Cinese dal 27 marzo del 1993 al 15 marzo del 2003.

 Curiosamente fu annunciata la sua morte il 6 luglio del 2011 e la notizia venne smentita solo quando il 9 ottobre partecipò ad una cerimonia pubblica.

 Come molti altri uomini politici cinesi è un appassionato di bridge e si diletta a praticare il gioco con discreta abilità (nella foto Zemin è seduto di fronte a Rona e Damiani).

  Jiang Zemin (born 17 August 1926) is a retired Chinese politician who served as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China from 1989 to 2002, as President of the People's Republic of China from 1993 to 2003, and as Chairman of the Central Military Commission from 1989 to 2004. His long career and political prominence have led to him being described as the "core of the third generation" of Communist Party leaders.

 Jiang Zemin came to power following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, replacing Zhao Ziyang as General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. With the waning influence of Deng Xiaoping and the other members of Eight Elders due to old age — and with the help of old and powerful party and state leaders, elder Chen Yun and former President Li Xiannian — Jiang effectively became the "paramount leader" in the 1990s.

 Under his leadership, China experienced substantial developmental growth with reforms, saw the peaceful return of Hong Kong from the United Kingdom and Macau from Portugal, and improved its relations with the outside world while the Communist Party maintained its tight control over the government. Jiang has been criticized for being too concerned about his personal image at home, and too conciliatory towards Russia and the United States abroad.

Like many other Chinese politicians is an avid bridge player and likes to practice the game with reasonable skill (in the picture is sitting in front of Rona and Damiani).


   Jiang Zemin, né le 17 août 1926, est un homme d'État chinois, qui a été Secrétaire général du Parti communiste chinois entre 1989 et 2002 et président de la République populaire de Chine entre 1993 et 2003.

Originaire de la province côtière du Jiangsu, il fait des études d'ingénieur en électricité à l'Université Jiao-tong de Shanghai. Il adhère au Parti communiste chinois (PCC) en 1946 tout en poursuivant une carrière d'ingénieur et de dirigeant technique.

Comme beaucoup d'autres politiciens chinois il est un bridgeur avide et aime pratiquer le jeu  avec d'adresse raisonnable (dans l'imageest assis en face de Rona et Damiani).

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