Michael LEDEEN |
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Mike è nato a Los Angeles il 1 agosto del 1941 ed è un ebreo americano esperto in terrorismo e in politica estera.
Dopo aver studiato alla University of Wisconsin in Madison ed aver visto contestati i suoi titoli accademici alla Washington University studiò a fondo il fenomeno del fascismo italiano scrivendo un libro "Universal Fascism: The Theory and Practice of the Fascist International, 1928-1936" oggi fuori edizione. Ha anche insegnato "Storia Americana" a Roma.
Sposatosi due volte ha avuto tre figli maschi due dei quali lavorano per il Dipartimento della Difesa Americana.
Studioso e ammiratore della filosofia machiavelliana, oltre che in Italia operò in Iran, in Mozambico, in Sud Africa e in Zimbabwe divenendo un esperto di terrorismo internazionale tanto da divenire consulente del National Security Council USA e delle relazione tra Stati Uniti e Cina.
Frequentò spesso e a più riprese l'Italia e fu sospettato di far parte della P2 di Licio Gelli e fu consulente di Ronald Reagan per i rapporti con la Bulgaria e rimase coinvolto in quello che è rimasto noto come "Iran-Contra scandal".
Imparò il bridge in casa Pabis Ticci, che per lui diventò un secondo padre, quando era studente e si trovava in Italia per scrivere la sua tesi.
Agli inizi degli anni '70 diresse le attività dell'Omar Sharif Bridge Circus con il coordinamento dell'egiziano Leon Yallouze, e fu proprio in quel frangente che la straordinaria carovana messa in piedi dall'attore e bridgista Omar Sharif ebbe il suo massimo splendore.
Come giocatore assieme a numerosi piazzamenti ha vinto un NABC giocando in squadra con il grande Garozzo.
Arthur Ledeen (b. Los Angeles, California, August 1, 1941) is a Jewish American
specialist on foreign policy. His research areas have included state sponsors of
terrorism, Iran, the Middle East, Europe (Italy), U.S.-China relations,
intelligence, and Africa (Mozambique, South Africa, and Zimbabwe) and is a
leading neoconservative.
He is a former consultant to the United States National Security Council, the United States Department of State, and the United States Department of Defense.
He has also served as a special adviser to the United States Secretary of State. He held the Freedom Scholar chair at the American Enterprise Institute where he was a scholar for twenty years and now holds the similarly named chair at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
He is a contributing editor to National Review, contributes to the Wall Street Journal, and regularly appears on Fox News and on a variety of radio talk shows.
He has been on PBS's NewsHour and CNN's Larry King Live, among others. He is a founding member of JINSA and serves on their Board of Advisers.
In 1974, Michael Ledeen moved to Rome where he studied the history of Italian Fascism. In 1977, he went to Washington to join the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) (then affiliated with Georgetown University). He continues to visit Italy frequently.
In 1980, Ledeen worked for the Italian military intelligence service as a "risk assessment" consultant. In 1981, Michael Ledeen then became Special Adviser to secretary of state Alexander Haig.
In the early '70s he directed the activities of the Sharif Bridge Circus coordination with the Egyptian Yallouze Leon, and was at that juncture that the extraordinary caravan built up by the claimant and bridge player Omar Sharif had its heyday.
Very good player he won a NABC in 2009 teammated Garozzo.
Michael Ledeen (né le 1941) est un éditorialiste
régulier de la revue néo-conservatrice National Review, et principal
conseiller pour les affaires internationales de Karl Rove, l'éminence grise
jusqu'à sa démission en 2007 du président George W. Bush.
Michael Ledeen détient la « chaire de la liberté » au think tank l'American Enterprise Institute (AEI), où il travaille avec Richard Perle. Il est l'une des personnalités soupçonnées dans le scandale du Nigergate.
Son nom est également cité dans l'opération (false flag selon certaines théories) de l'attentat de la gare de Bologne, en Italie, survenu en 1980.
Le président George Bush a déclaré que "plus de 20 membres" de son administration faisaient partie de l'AEI dirigé par Ledeen.
Dans le début des années 70 il a dirigé les activités de la coordination de l'Omar Sharif Bridge Circus avec l'Egyptien Leon Yallouze, et était à ce moment-là que la caravane extraordinaire construit par le demandeur et le pont joueur Omar Sharif a connu son apogée.
Bon jouer il a vin one NABC in 2009 in équipe avec Garozzo.
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