Eric RODWELL | ![]() |
Eric Victor Rodwell è nato a San Francisco il 1 maggio del 1957 ma è cresciuto a West Lafayette nello stato dell'Indiana dove la sua famiglia si è trasferita nel 1965.
Suo padre insegnava biochimica alla Purdue University dove Eric si è laureato in Scienze delle Finanze nel 1981 dopo essersi diplomato presso la West Lafayette High School nel 1975.
Eric ha iniziato a giocare a 11 anni con i suoi parenti e più tardi ha formato con Jeff Meckstroth una coppia leggendaria conosciuta in tutto il mondo con l'appellativo di "Meckwell".
Vive in Florida a Clearwater Beach, una cittadina balneare vicino a Tampa, con la sua seconda moglie Donna Rodwell (con lui nella foto) e con i due gemelli Jeffrey e Sara nati nel 1984 dal precedente matrimonio.
Donna che è nata il 7 agosto del 1947 a Chicago, si è laureata all'Università del Kentucky di Lexington ed è anche lei una valente bridgista.
Rodwell, che è anche un discreto pianista, non è soltanto uno dei più forti giocatori del mondo, è anche uno scrittore di bridge ed uno dei teorici oggi più apprezzati.
Egli è l'autore principale del famoso sistema licitativo "R-M Precision" e lo fa evolvere costantemente inserendo validi gadget ispirati ad uno stile estremamente aggressivo.
Ai primissimi posti nella classifica dei World Grand Master in attività, Eric ha vinto tra l'altro 5 ori e due argenti nella Bermuda Bowl, un oro ed un argento nelle Olimpiadi, il Campionato del Mondo a Coppie, e 2 volte il trofeo Cap Gemini.
Nella sfida Europa-America ha collaborato nella vittoria della Squadra a stelle e strisce nelle edizioni del 2006 e del 2010.
È uno dei soli 10 giocatori al mondo che si sono potuti fregiare della prestigiosa "Triple Crown".
Non appena la EBL ha aperto i Campionati Europei anche a formazioni del resto del mondo si è aggiudicato la vittoria nel Coppie Open.
In Nord America, Eric si è anche aggiudicato una sessantina di NABC's tra i quali ricordiamo: 9 Reisinger, 12 Spingold, 7 Vanderbilts, 6 Jacoby, 14 Grand National Teams e 2 Mitchell, 2 Silodor.
Eric detiene anche il record assoluto di punti conquistati in un anno ed è stato l'unico giocatore ad aver superato la soglia dei 100.000 punti con i quali è stato eletto dall'ACBL giocatore dell'anno nel 2008.
Infine, si è portato via anche l'oro nel 2011 nei Transnazionali Europei a Squadre Open e nel 2024 nelle Olimpiadi Senior Team,
Nel 2018 ha ricevuto l'onore di essere eletto nella Casa della Fama del bridge americano.
Eric Victor Rodwell
(born May
1, 1957) is an American professional bridge
He has won the Bermuda Bowl representing the U.S. five times and is one of ten players who have won the so-called triple crown of bridge: the Bermuda Bowl, the World Open Pairs and the World Team Olympiad.
He ranks number eight among Open World Grand Masters and he ranks number two among American players.
Rodwell was born in San Francisco, California and his family moved to West Lafayette, Indiana in 1965 where his father was a professor of biochemistry at Purdue University.
He started playing bridge at the age of eleven by reading books and playing with his parents.
Rodwell graduated from West Lafayette High School in 1974 and attended Purdue, graduating with a master's degree in finance in 1981.
Rodwell is currently a full-time bridge professional and lives in Clearwater Beach, Florida with his wife Donna Rodwell; each has two children from previous marriages, his being twins Jeffrey and Sara (b. 1984).
Donna, who was born on August 7, 1947 in Chicago, graduated from the University of Kentucky in Lexington and is she a talented bridge player.
For decades Rodwell has been in a regular partnership with Jeff Meckstroth and "Meckwell", for their surnames, is one of the most successful pairs of all time.
They are well known for playing an aggressive and very detailed system called RM Precision (for Rodwell-Meckstroth), of which Rodwell is the principal theorist and author. Although he first learned basic Precision at the age of 14, he didn't get serious about developing his own version until 1982 after he and Meckstroth were already winning. Most of RM Precision was developed subsequently in the early '80s with adaptations following more slowly thereafter.
As a bidding theorist, Rodwell has created several conventions and methods including the support double, conventional transfers in many situations, the pass-double inversion and the serious three no trump. Although the Unusual Major Jumps Over One Diamond Opening convention (UMJOODO) is often credited to him, he denies inventing it.
Although he has not actively pursued master points as a goal, he is one of the all-time top masterpoint holders in the American Contract Bridge League, and won the Barry Crane Trophy for winning the most master points in a year in 2004.
Possibly his most remarkable achievement was at the ACBL's 2008 fall championships, where with four major events available to be contested, he won three (Open Board-A-Match Teams, Blue Ribbon Pairs, Reisinger Teams) and finished second in the fourth (Life Master Open Pairs). The three wins were with Jeff Meckstroth, and the second place with John Diamond.
He is one of only 10 players in the world that you were able to boast the prestigious "Triple Crown".
As soon as the EBL has opened the European Championships of the rest of the world, he has won in the Open Pairs.
In the challenge Europe vs America he has contributed to the victory of Stars and Stripes Team in the editions of 2006 and 2010. Eric also holds the record for points scored in a year and was the only player to have surpassed the 100,000 points with which he was elected dall'ACBL Player of the Year in 2008.
In Nord America, Eric won over 60 NABC's among them we remember: 9 Reisinger, 12 Spingold, 7 Vanderbilt, 6 Jacoby, 14 Grand National Teams 2 Mitchell and 2 Silodor.
Finally, in 2011 he won the Transnational Open Teams and in 2024 the Olympiad Senior Team.
In 2018 he has elected in the ACBL Hall of Fame.
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