Andrew ROBSON | ![]() |
Andrew Robson è nato a Chester nel 1964, dopo aver studiato psicologia all'Università di Bristol, ha conseguito una laurea in matematica ed è considerato il miglior insegnante inglese di bridge ed uno dei più forti giocatori d'oltremanica.
Andrew si è messo in mostra vincendo i Campionati Mondiali Juniores nel 1989 e quelli Europei due anni più tardi.
Sposato con Lorna che vive a Putney, ha due figlie.
Dopo aver conquistato la sua fama come insegnante presso l'Acol Bridge Club, Andrew ha deciso di aprire un suo Circolo a Londra nella zona di Chelsea: l'Andrew Robson Bridge Club.
In passato Robson è venuto alla ribalta delle cronache per un disgraziato incidente che lo ha visto precipitare in un crepaccio durante una passeggiata in montagna con complicazioni che sembravano irreversibili. Tuttavia dopo soli sei mesi di coraggiosa riabilitazione, Andrew ha smentito ogni previsione dei medici, si è ripreso ed è subito tornato al tavolo da bridge, e come al solito ha vinto!
Come giocatore ha anche conquistato tra l'altro: il World Youth Team nel 1989, il MEC Junior Teams sempre nel 1989, 7 volte la Gold Cup, il Volmac del 1993, due volte la Reisinger nel 1998 e nel 1999.
Andrew è anche un articolista di successo che lavora per diversi quotidiani e riviste ed è particolarmente nota in tutto il mondo anglofono la sua rubrica su The Times.
Nel 2013 è stato nominato ufficiale del "Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" per i servizi resi al Bridge ed alle opere di beneficenza e "Personalità dell'Anno" dall'IBPA.
World Life Master, nel 2014 ha guadagnato il bronzo ai Campionati Europei a Squadre Open e lo stesso metallo lo ha guadagnato nella Rosenblum del 2018.
Andrew Robson was born in Chester in 1964, studies psychology
at Bristol University and he earned a degree in Mathematic.
Today he lives in Putney whit his wife Lorna an two daughters.
In 2013 the English bridge personality Andrew Robson has become an officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for services to bridge and charity.
At the table Robson won the World Youth Teams and Junior Common Market Teams in 1989 and the European Teams in 1991. He has also captured three board-a-match North American championships, 7 Gold Cups (the most prestigious event in Britain) and several top-ranked pair titles.
But Robson has earned the O.B.E. for his work away from the top level of the game. In 1995 he opened the Andrew Robson Bridge Club, which is now one of the largest in the world, with over 2,000 members. He stresses zero tolerance (no bad behavior) and teaches lots of classes, especially for beginners and the inexperienced. He learned the game when he was 10 from his parents, who now sometimes attend his classes.
He also runs about 50 so-called Bridge Days each year, usually raising money for charities — over 60 so far and counting. These typically attract more than 100 people.
Robson, who is married with two daughters, writes a column daily in The Times of London and weekly in The Sunday Times.
A trained schoolteacher, Andrew's ability and love of teaching the game has seen him head many seminars around the country. Indeed he is leading a Northern Lecture Tour in September this year, just prior to leaving for Istanbul.
Andrew nearly lost his life a few years ago in a serious hill-walking accident in the Lake District . Airlifted off the mountain, he was in hospital for two months and in a wheelchair for much longer. For his brave recovery, he received the rarely given Sportsman of the Year" award in 2001.
Oh - I nearly forgot - what about Andrew's Bridge-playing. He learnt about aged 10 with his brothers (he has two younger ones, James and Rupert, neither of whom play any serious Bridge these days) under the initial tutelage of his parents (whom he now teaches at his Club). He pored over Bridge books as a teenager - particularly remembering Culbertson's Red Book which was in the school library - being particularly interested in card-play.
Into his Twenties and Andrew begun a Junior Bridge partnership with John Pottage (who has since stopped playing), with whom he won the Common Market and World Championships, both in 1989. When he turned 25 and Junior Bridge was a thing of the past, England 's number one player Tony Forrester asked him to play. Their partnership was to last seven years and saw many trophies lifted. The highlights were winning the European Championships in 1991 (remarkably the only time he has played in the event), the prestigious Cap Gemini and the Sunday Times-Macallan.
Since the partnership with Forrester was disbanded, Andrew has played a fair amount with the legendary Zia Mahmood, with whom he won the Cap Gemini two further times, David Bakhshi, with whom he won the Gold Cup in 2002, and latterly Alexander Allfrey, fellow team-mate in his back-to-back Gold Cup win in 2003. He has also played extensively in the US - with Rita Shugart - and was the first Briton, with team-mate Forrester, to win a prestigious Major.
World Life Master, in 2014 he earned the bronze medal in the European Open Teams and same metal he earned in 2018 Rosenblum.
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